“White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack”
- Genre: Nonfiction; essay
- Originally Published: 1989
- Reading Level/Interest: Grades 10-12; college/adult
- Structure/Length: Approximately 18 pages
- Central Concern: The author discusses the concept of white privilege, its invisibility to those who possess it, and its impact on society. Building on her study of male privilege, Peggy McIntosh lists specific privileges that she believes are directly connected to race and that white people take for granted as they unconsciously benefit from structures of power.
- Potential Sensitivity Issues: Discussion of racial inequality and privilege
STUDY OBJECTIVES: In accomplishing the components of this Unit, students will:
- Understand the concept of white privilege as described by McIntosh and its implications in society.
- Reflect on personal experiences and societal structures in relation to the concept of privilege.
- Create an original work of art that conveys an important idea about white privilege.
- Analyze the author’s argument and connect it to personal experience in structured essay responses.