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Plot Summaries

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Our Study Guides are packed with all the information you need to get the most out of the titles you read.

Detailed chapter summaries

Refresh your memory of key events and big ideas.

Comprehensive literary analysis

Unlock underlying meaning through expert insights.

Examination of key figures

Follow character arcs from tragedy to triumph.

Discussion of themes, symbols, and motifs

Connect the dots among recurring ideas.

Important quotes with explanations

Appreciate the meaning behind the words.

Essay and discussion topics

Discover writing prompts and conversation starters.

Study Guide sample

Analyzing literature can be hard—but SuperSummary makes it easy to unpack even the toughest titles.

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SuperSummary guides are written by teachers, professors, and literature specialists with multiple years of experience. Meet our writers.

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Meet some of our talented writers and editors.

SuperSummary recruits experienced teachers and literary experts with advanced degrees to develop, write, and edit our Study Guides and Teaching Guides.

Jenn Brisendine

Jenn Brisendine

20-year teaching career across middle and high school English

Bachelor’s in secondary education (English & dramatic arts) and a master’s in fiction writing

Specializes in writing and editing middle-grade, young adult, and high school-level materials

Elyse Myers

Elyse Myers

10 years of experience teaching university-level literature courses and 6 years of experience as a fiction reference librarian

Doctor of Philosophy in English literature

Specializes in classic and contemporary fiction, particularly nineteenth- and twentieth-century American and British literature

Lily Beaumont

Lily Beaumont

7 years of experience in curriculum and Study Guide development

Joint master’s degree in English and women’s & gender Studies

Specializes in Victorian literature and feminist theory

Jenn Brisendine

Jenn Brisendine

20-year teaching career across middle and high school English

Bachelor’s in secondary education (English & dramatic arts) and a master’s in fiction writing

Specializes in writing and editing middle-grade, young adult, and high school-level materials

Elyse Myers

Elyse Myers

10 years of experience teaching university-level literature courses and 6 years of experience as a fiction reference librarian

Doctor of Philosophy in English literature

Specializes in classic and contemporary fiction, particularly nineteenth- and twentieth-century American and British literature

Lily Beaumont

Lily Beaumont

7 years of experience in curriculum and Study Guide development

Joint master’s degree in English and women’s & gender Studies

Specializes in Victorian literature and feminist theory

Real results from real customers

SuperSummary stood out.

SuperSummary stood out from other sites because it had more variety and featured the books I needed.
Aidan S.
High School Student

The subscription is inexpensive and the guides provide a wealth of information.

The subscription is inexpensive and the guides provide a wealth of information. My students are having more meaningful and rich conversations about the text—they are discovering more about the characters, plot and even the author’s craft.
La Rita V.
Middle School Teacher

SuperSummary has more in-depth analyses.

SuperSummary has more in-depth analyses of books as well as a larger number of important quotes and theme analyses than other sites.
Noah K.
College Student

SuperSummary helps me a lot more than free websites.

My biggest concern was that I would pay money for something that would give me the same result as a free website. I found that my concern was not valid and that SuperSummary helps me a lot more than free websites.
Abby B.
College Student