54 pages • 1 hour read
Geoffrey ChaucerA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Chaucer begins the final book with an invocation of the three fates, particularly Lachesis, who stretches out the thread of Troilus’ lifespan. Criseyde is led out of Troy, and Troilus watches for as long as he can with her escort. She is taken by a Greek named Diomede, and Antenor is returned in her staid. As Criseyde and Diomede ride back to the Greek camp, Diomede pledges his service to her and swears that he has involuntarily fallen in love with her. Criseyde is grieving and barely hears what he is saying before they reach her father’s tent.
Back in Troy, Troilus returns to his rooms and begins to weep and rage again. He begs for death to take him, feeling that he cannot endure 10 days without Criseyde. When Pandarus comes to visit him, he tells Pandarus to help him plan his funeral and asks him to take the ashes of his heart to Criseyde in a golden urn once he is dead. Pandarus scolds him, reminding him that many people have endured even longer periods of separation from their lovers. He advises Troilus to try to focus on happiness and enjoyment so that the time will pass faster.
Pandarus brings Troilus to a party at the house of a Trojan warrior, Sarpedon. There is music and dancing, and many beautiful ladies are present, but this festive atmosphere only depresses Troilus because he cannot stop thinking of Criseyde. When they leave the party, Troilus rides past Criseyde’s house and falls into a melancholy state at the sight. He sings a song, comparing Criseyde to a star that has vanished in the night, leaving his ship unguided and likely to fall into the whirlpool Charybdis if she does not return. He walks along the walls of the city, staring at the Greek camp in the distance and thinking about Criseyde.
Diomede continues his romantic pursuit of Criseyde, often visiting her at her father’s tent. He confesses to Criseyde that he loves her, but she is still sad and in love with Troilus. However, Diomede reminds her that her father, Calkas, has predicted with certainty that Troy will lose the war. He reminds her that the Greeks are equally great and noble and that he himself is descended from the hero Tideus, who would have been a king had he not been killed while fighting at Thebes. Criseyde defends the Trojans but is worried by Diomede’s claim that her home will be inevitably destroyed. She gives Diomede a brooch that Troilus once gave her and a piece of her sleeve as a token to wear on the battlefield. Eventually, she relents and accepts his love, although she laments that her decision will hurt Troilus. The author reminds the reader that he does not believe that she ever truly loved Diomede and that her infamous historical reputation is punishment enough for her crime.
Back in Troy, the 10 days pass, and Troilus goes to the city walls to wait for Criseyde. She does not arrive, but Pandarus suggests that her father has held her up at dinner. When the city gates close for the night, Troilus decides that he must have miscalculated the number of days. However, as more and more days pass, Criseyde does not return. Troilus writes her a letter, begging her to come back as soon as she can. He has a dream where he sees Criseyde embracing a boar resting in a forest and worries that she has betrayed him for another man. However, Pandarus cautions him not to pay attention to dreams, explaining that the boar could just have easily symbolized her father dying and her trying to comfort him in his final days.
Two months pass, and still Criseyde has not returned to Troy, continuing to delay and obfuscate. Troilus has another dream about the boar and goes to Cassandra, a prophet of Apollo, to help him interpret its meaning. Cassandra tells him that the boar symbolizes the descendants of Meleager, a Greek hero who was the host of the great Caledonian boar hunt. Tideus, who died in the war at Thebes between Oedipus’ sons, was descended from Meleager, and his son Diomede is fighting with the Greeks. Cassandra therefore suggests that Criseyde has abandoned Troilus for Diomede.
Troilus is furious and distraught, refusing to believe that Criseyde has betrayed him. He receives a letter from Criseyde in which she ambiguously tells him that she will remain his friend. Then, during a battle, Diomede loses his coat, and Troilus finds the brooch he gave to Criseyde pinned inside of it. He shows it to Pandarus, finally despairing and accepting that Criseyde loves another man. Pandarus is struck speechless. He tells Troilus that he hates Criseyde for betraying them.
The war rages on, and Troilus tries to seek out Diomede on the battlefield, but they are not fated to meet and fight. Eventually, Troilus dies in combat. His soul rises to the eighth heavenly sphere, and he beholds the tiny planet Earth below. He realizes the insignificance of all earthly vanity and despises what he valued when alive.
The poem ends with Chaucer reminding readers that they too should set aside temporal, earthly things and instead give all their love to Jesus Christ. Chaucer reminds the reader that there is no real value to be derived from pagan gods or material goods.
The final book of Troilus and Criseyde uses Troilus’ discovery of Criseyde’s betrayal as the pivotal dramatic moment of the narrative. Chaucer builds tension as Troilus slowly realizes that she will not return. By offering a window into Criseyde’s thoughts leading up to this betrayal, Chaucer complicates the conventional, misogynistic picture of Criseyde as a selfish and untrustworthy woman, instead offering a story of Women’s Agency in Patriarchy. In Book 5, Criseyde learns what her father has known all along: that the destruction of Troy is inevitable. By entering a new romantic partnership with Diomede, she takes the only available path to ensure her survival.
As Troilus suffers in Criseyde’s absence, Chaucer shows his escalating grief, hysteria, and pain in contrast with Pandarus, who seeks to soothe his anxieties. In a sequence that mirrors their conversation in Book 1, Pandarus finds Troilus so miserable that he is contemplating his own death. After Criseyde fails to return in 10 days as she promised, Troilus begins to morbidly plan his own funeral, telling Pandarus,
The poudre in which myn herte ybrend shal torne
That preye I the thow take and it conserve
In a vessell that men clepeth as an urne
Of gold, and to my lady that I serve,
For love of whom thus pitouslich I sterve,
So yeve it hire, and do me this plesaunce,
To preyen hire kepe it for a remembraunce (5.309-15).
This dramatic gesture conveys The Paradox of Love: Troilus sees his heart as totally belonging to Criseyde, and the source of his greatest joy has now also brought him the greatest possible pain. Pandarus attempts to fix the situation using rhetoric, distraction, and examples from other stories, but this time, his attempts are unsuccessful. He cannot convince Troilus to move on from Criseyde or become interested in any other woman.
Troilus’ dream further increases the tension and once again indicates how Pandarus continues to try the same tactics that worked in the earlier books to no avail. After Troilus dreams of Criseyde embracing a boar, representing Diomede, Pandarus attempts to reinterpret the dream as a sign that Criseyde is only delaying her return out of devotion to her aging father. He tells Troilus,
It may so be that it may signifie
Hire fader, which that old is and ek hoor,
Ayeyn the sonne lith o poynt to dye,
And she for sorwe gynneth wepe and crie,
And kisseth hym, ther he lith on the grounde (5.1283-87).
While Pandarus was able to verbally manipulate both Troilus and Criseyde in the earlier books, his attempt is subverted when Cassandra the prophet contradicts his interpretation. In the end, Troilus eventually finds physical evidence—a brooch—that confirms to him that Criseyde has taken Diomede as her new lover. At this point, Pandarus no longer attempts to rectify the situation, accepting that the schemes he used to unite the lovers cannot prevent their disastrous separation.
After this final confirmation that Criseyde has betrayed Troilus, the poem concludes with a shift to Christian spirituality. Although the poem is set in ancient Greece and features characters worshipping pagan deities, Chaucer concludes by asserting that these are false gods. By extension, he characterizes romantic love itself as a false idol, a distraction from divine love. The end of the poem depicts Troilus realizing the error of any human who places too much emphasis on earthly love, underscoring Chaucer’s message to turn all love toward Christ. After Troilus’ death in battle, the poem depicts him rising into the heavens and seeing the Earth from a distance:
And down from thennes faste he gan avis
This litel spot of erthe that with the se
Embraced is, and fully gan despise
This wrecched world, and held al vanite
To respect of the pleyn felicite
That is in hevene above (5.1814-19).
The physical smallness of the Earth causes Troilus to realize the insignificance of all earthly things, including his love for Criseyde. The ending is therefore not just a tragedy, depicting a man’s downfall after he loses his love. Instead, the ending presents the end of the love between Troilus and Criseyde as a difficult but necessary step on the path to true, divine love that can overcome the challenges of temporal, material existence. Numerous critics have speculated on the incongruous nature of this ending, which seems to reject the entire preceding story as trivial and meaningless. Some have argued that it may represent a concession to the censorious moral climate of Chaucer’s era. Stories of romantic love were immensely popular in the late 14th century, and the powerful Catholic Church viewed the popularity of such stories as an unacceptable distraction from the contemplation of God—or, more cynically, as an unacceptable competitor to the Church’s monopoly on story and meaning. Having written a story in which romantic love, not love of God, determines the course of two young people’s lives, Chaucer may have sought to avoid trouble by adding an ending that conforms to Church dogma.
By Geoffrey Chaucer
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