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bell hooksA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Patriarchal culture historically sold the idea that men could find satisfaction through work. Shifts in capitalism and society, however, left many men out of work, so a new narrative was needed. Money—in any form and obtained by any means—became the prevailing way for men to seek fulfillment. Most of the work available to men in the US is dehumanizing and boring; patriarchal capitalism offers addictions to fill the gaps that work leaves behind. Yet the patriarchal idea that men should feel satisfaction with this work as providers and caretakers of their family conflicts with the way that men truly feel. hooks suggests that the notion of men as providers is a stereotype that clashes with reality. Many men squander their earnings on individual pursuits or refuse to pay alimony. Furthermore, the struggles of the middle and working classes reveal that many men find it difficult to support themselves, not to mention their families.
Frustration with work manifests once more through sexual domination. Meanwhile, women who enter the workplace feel empowered yet disillusioned with the male need for control. They go home after working long hours and find themselves confronted with the lion’s share of household work and a partner who is unable to meet their emotional needs. hooks suggests that despite both partners’ being in the workforce, many women are still burdened with the emotional work of the family. Instead of emphasizing the need for men to step up and share some of the emotional weight and household labor, patriarchal culture encourages women to leave the workforce and stay at home. For men, work becomes a place to escape their own feelings and the emotional needs of their families. Male work relationships perpetuate emotionally limited interactions, placing a high value on joking and posturing.
Social class plays an important role in the impact of work on families and relationships. Working-class men find jobs “in an environment where they feel powerless” (100). These men are presented with a harrowing choice: Either stay in a job that demoralizes and dehumanizes them, or accept possible financial ruin. Substance abuse often allows them to avoid the pain of their working reality. hooks notes that successful programs like AA emphasize community and emotional connections without calling out patriarchal structures by name. Retired men and men begin to see how patriarchal structures consumed their intimate and emotional well-being after they leave the workforce.
Antifeminism perpetuates the idea that feminism is bad for men. Conservative antifeminists build upon a platform that insists that “feminism is destroying family life” (107). hooks critiques this line of thinking for its inability to recognize the irony that feminists are viewed as extreme, but a patriarchal society that promotes violence against women and children is viewed as normal. She observes that many men rebel against the patriarchy in small ways without recognizing the system by its name; however, she points out that these small acts of rebellion have more to do with individual gain than with efforts to change a culture.
hooks acknowledges that a subsection of feminists capitalizes on “man-hating” rhetoric. However, she does not shy away from exposing the ways that a patriarchal culture of domination shaped this approach to feminism. Many women turned to the liberation movement after experiencing violence and abuse at home; their anger naturally turned toward the opposite sex instead of showing them how the same culture that oppresses them also oppresses men. Feminist writing and activism leaves men out of the conversation. Gender equality focuses on empowering girls to challenge the patriarchy and status quo while failing to provide boys with useful alternatives. hooks argues that the only way to truly dismantle a patriarchal culture is through “a feminist vision that embraces feminist masculinity” (111).
Men who do embrace a feminist perspective end up abandoning it because feminism fails to provide a viable alternative to patriarchy. These men are made to feel weak or emasculated in a new system that emphasizes female domination. hooks suggests that men need male models of feminist integrity who can demonstrate maleness and masculinity without domination. Feminism should not require the abolition of masculinity, nor should it denounce femininity. Feminist masculinity can take the place of patriarchal masculinity and rupture the long-perceived connection between maleness and control. Patriarchal culture sells the ideas that men must dominate to connect to their masculinity and that power is at the core of the male identity while downplaying the ways that these attitudes contribute to violence and predatory behavior.
Therefore, what hooks calls the “dominator model” must be eradicated for both men and women. While many of them may find ways to carve out space for feelings within a patriarchal culture, the nature of that culture will never allow them to be wholly liberated. hooks suggests that the dominator model be replaced with a partnership model that advocates for interdependency. This model rejects the notion that power and control are innately male and instead assumes that all boys are born with a desire for connection. Feminist masculinity allows men to maintain their maleness, which includes their tenderness as well as their assertiveness, and to know when different characteristics are needed.
hooks reveals that systems of patriarchy were being dismantled as women entered the workforce and demanded liberation, while sexist thinking persisted within the home. This “crisis in masculinity” left men with a choice: Embrace feminism, or double down on patriarchy. Those who chose feminism soon waned in their fervor as mass media continued to project patriarchal values. Media outlets and men who acted out their learned need for domination through violence at home turned that behavior into entertainment. Media representations play a powerful role in upholding patriarchal values; even contemporary shows that emphasize female equality continue to project patriarchal masculinity.
Children’s television shows often reinforce the idea of men as violent aggressors. The Incredible Hulk provides the perfect representation of patriarchal dominator culture. In this show, the hero is transformed by his rage and unable to recall his actions when he calms down. The show’s premise is further complicated by its intersection of sexism and racism. Mass media further perpetuate patriarchal culture by characterizing abusive men as abnormal. Serial killers who fly under the radar due to their whiteness and their American typicality are often repackaged as psychologically damaged or as victims of maternal abuse.
These narratives attempt to separate patriarchy from male violence. Men who abuse women are painted as loners, outsiders from traditional society. Entertainment outlets and news reports often endow the heroes of crime tales with the same dominating traits as those that are associated with the perpetrators. When contemporary media acknowledge how patriarchy contributes to male violence, they fail to provide a viable alternative. Men are made to believe that the only way they can function within society is by embracing some aspects of patriarchal culture. hooks observes that Good Will Hunting provides a model for the man who is attempting to break free from the chains of his patriarchal lineage. He cannot achieve growth or change without reconnecting to his own emotions and love for others. hooks explains that patriarchal culture functions as a form of heritage that is passed down from generation to generation. The only way to break this cycle is through love.
hooks argues that patriarchy will persist as long as popular culture reaffirms patriarchal structures. She suggests that mass media can offer a different picture of masculinity that denounces patriarchy and embraces love.
Once boys become adults—who are continuously frustrated and enraged by a system that both endows them with power and strips them of self—they seek ways to alleviate their pain. Work provides respite for many men, especially within upper-class structures. hooks challenges the patriarchal ideology that men should be the sole breadwinners and providers for their families. Patriarchal culture projects an image of a man as a worker. His purpose in life is to achieve and make money. Yet American capitalism fails to make work a fulfilling outlet for male pain. This aligns with the theme “Impacts of Patriarchal Culture on Men.” Instead of offering meaningful work and workplace relationships, male workplace connections are often jocular and shallow. Middle- and lower-class men in particular struggle to fulfill the patriarchal promise of satisfaction through employment. Patriarchy and capitalism work together to perpetuate the idea that men should work continuously to support and provide for their families. Meanwhile, the work of middle- and lower-class men is physical, demanding, and often grueling.
hooks’s argument in this section reflects her scholarship on intersectionality. She shows how capitalism and sexism work together to keep lower- and middle-class men continuously engaged with demeaning and dehumanizing work in order to advance capital gain. These men then play out their frustration at home through domination and aggression. hooks criticizes feminism for making space for women in the workplace without making space for men in the home. Women work the same hours as men and find themselves saddled with most of the housework and child-rearing. hooks views the small subset of feminism that perpetuates “man-hating” as one of the Contributors to the Persistence of Patriarchy. While she recognizes this type of feminism for its origins in women’s pain, she challenges its effectiveness. By denying men the opportunity to be part of the feminist movement and by failing to provide them with alternatives to patriarchy, societal changes led men to find new ways to dominate, while women merely took on more work.
hooks’s thesis is simple: feminism is for men too. She presents her solution to the problem: Partnership Model and Feminist Masculinity. Patriarchal culture relies on the dominator model, which places everyone in a cycle of pain infliction and oppression. The partnership model breaks that cycle. hooks advocates for mutuality rather than equality. Instead of asking women to rise, take the reins away from men, and dominate the hierarchy, hooks wants men and women to reach a level of partnership for which everyone shoulders responsibility with integrity. Instead of denying the existence of masculinity and working to eradicate it, hooks proposes a new definition of masculinity: “feminist masculinity.” This form of maleness emphasizes tenderness as well as assertiveness and focuses on self-reflection and self-critique, which hooks sees as integral to the success of an antipatriarchal movement.
hooks suggests that patriarchy removes men from the process of self-critique, placing them above it and rendering them faultless. Simultaneously, they are taught to wear masks—to avoid thinking too deeply about their own feelings or identities. Boys are not taught to spend time thinking about their actions or how their actions affect others. Instead, they are taught that it is their inherent right to dominate and control. These boys grow into men who are unable to process their emotions or recognize the ways they influence the world around them. The Partnership Model and Feminist Masculinity present a new type of maleness that embraces self-critique. This, hooks suggests, will help fill the hole that patriarchy leaves behind. The fundamental crisis of patriarchal culture is a lack of self-awareness. When men engage in a process of healing and thinking about their place in a patriarchal hierarchy, they can break the status quo and see themselves more clearly.
This is the alternative that hooks offers. For her central argument to work, she recognizes that she must provide a viable option to replace patriarchal thinking. She shows that the media consistently reinforce and affirm patriarchal gender roles and values, identifying The Hulk as the epitome of patriarchal culture. The alternative relies upon new models for boys and men that encourage them to work in partnership with women and to embrace their own feminist masculinity. These paradigms would recognize what men and women bring to the discussion of gender roles and power dynamics and focus on acknowledging and empathizing with others’ thoughts and feelings.
By bell hooks
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