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bell hooksA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
In this chapter, hooks outlines the ways that patriarchal societies demean and damage young boys. Gender roles are enforced and imposed as early as infancy; male babies are allowed to cry louder and more often. Parents also pressure their sons to suppress their emotions. hooks suggests that healing the culture and eliminating discrimination and violence against women mean one must also explore the ways that patriarchal society affects boys. Too often those who understand that young boys need healthy ways to recognize and process their emotions are unwilling to call patriarchal values by their name.
hooks points to anti-male feminist rhetoric as part of the problem. By labeling men as the enemy, this brand of feminism leaves no room to discuss a different approach to masculinity and maleness. In fact, she critiques contemporary feminism’s failure to offer alternative solutions for raising male children outside patriarchal values. Pressure from other male children contributes to suppressing any alternative choices. Male children who are raised to feel connected to their emotional selves soon learn that they must suppress that part of themselves at school. Conforming behaviors include acting out, being tough, and “dominating females” (42). When boys act out, they are punished rather than being given the opportunity to work through the feelings that initiated the behavior. It is a patriarchal myth that adolescent boys need to go through a period of antisocial behavior or aggression in order to mature. hooks argues that the anger and aggression of young males derives from a constant suppression of their other emotions.
hooks proposes that anti-gay bias drives parents’ attempts to raise sons who are more masculine by discouraging them from expressing their emotions. This attitude is rooted in a stereotypical myth about sexual orientation. Patriarchal households often do not need to resort to violence to uphold damaging patriarchal structures; rather, psychological shaming proves sufficient to sustain these models. Young boys feel that they are not living up to invisible standards of masculinity, and the lack of male adults who model emotional well-being by demonstrating grief, joy, love, anger, and sadness leaves them stunted. They find solace in a media diet that constantly feeds them models of aggressive male representation. hooks critiques the patriarchal messages that are relayed to young boys, including those in the Harry Potter series, in which she identifies “imperialism, racism, and sexism” (53) that feminist thinkers “rarely critiqued” (53).
Despite the existence of many cultures in which men are not violent or domineering, American men choose to live a patriarchal existence. hooks points out that many women now take on these more aggressive roles, proving that violent behavior has more to do with power than with genitalia. She challenges the idea that male violence against women is less common than feminist activists suggest. hooks relays statistics from 1995 to support her argument: Seven hundred thousand women per year are sexually assaulted in the US, and “one out of twelve women will be stalked at some point in her lifetime” (56). Women learn to keep silent about their experiences with men, including violence. However, violence is not the only form of abuse that patriarchy encompasses.
Emotional abuse is a widespread byproduct of patriarchal culture. hooks describes her own experiences in long-term relationships. Her first partner was occasionally violent toward her and often emotionally abusive. Her second partner—an ally against violence—was also emotionally abusive. hooks suggests that this may be due to issues concerning power; as she gained more power, the men in her life felt a need to exert their dominance. She denounces the idea that women choose men who are not good for them, explaining that this narrative does not acknowledge the patriarchal structures that influence male behavior. From childhood, boys are indoctrinated and inducted into the patriarchal socialization of violence. For example, hooks cites a study in which many college-aged men reported finding forced sexual intercourse acceptable in certain situations. These findings conflict with the notion that not all men are abusers; hooks argues that male socialization is predicated upon violence.
Single-mother households present unique versions of patriarchal instruction. hooks suggests that often single mothers allow their sons to be violent and to take on coercive roles that emphasize their own power over their mothers. Teenage boys resent their mothers, who—having no power outside the home in a patriarchal society—dare to exert authority over them in the home. Women who were dominated and abused often project this damage onto their sons. This maternal sadism presents itself as another byproduct of a patriarchal society.
Women often justify violence or abuse, dismissing it as a gender difference. hooks argues that committing to a patriarchal relationship means committing to some level of abuse. Patriarchal projections of abuse are more common in lower- and middle-class households, where men manifest their lack of power outside the home through intimate-partner abuse. However, patriarchal manhood does not provide satisfaction or fulfillment, and men often react to this imbalanced system with misdirected rage.
In this chapter, hooks explores the intertwining of love and sex in a patriarchal society. Men seek the intimacy and love that they feel are missing from their lives through sex. While American patriarchal culture finds conversations about love taboo or sappy, conversations about sex permeate the airwaves. Men are seen as sexual creatures; the belief that men need and must have sex contributes to a widespread acceptance of male sexual violence in prisons. hooks writes that this is also why rape is “still not deemed a serious crime” (77). Children learn about sex through mass media and pornography, digesting the idea that sex must always have a dominant partner and a submissive one. The notion that men will lose their sanity if they are deprived of sex perpetuates rape culture.
Patriarchal culture is one of domination. Therefore, intimate relationships become platforms for expressing power and control. Patriarchal men view sex as a right that they use women to exert. When women are not available, hooks writes, they exert that perceived right on weaker men or on children, contributing to the prevalence of child sexual abuse. As the exterior world dominates and humiliates men, they express their rage through sex. Rape culture is further sustained by the notion that boys should enjoy their penises while also fearing the power that their genitalia may exert over them. Therefore, boys are led to believe that they must always exert control in sexual relationships to avoid being overtaken. They are encouraged to view sex as addictive and the female right to say no as infuriating. Constant suppression of their emotions leads men to act out their pain through sex. Patriarchal culture presents a paradox: In a world where men have all the power, they consistently feel powerless.
Even gay sexual relationships often adopt patriarchal structures. Gay men are encouraged to engage in sexist thinking and an identity of sexual compulsion that suggests that they are driven by the need to have as much sex as possible. hooks argues that most pornography—whether it is designed for gay or straight men—is inherently patriarchal, playing out fantasies of domination and submissiveness. Compulsive sexuality is used as a substitute for recovery and healing. Her conclusion is that sex will never satisfy the pain inflicted by patriarchy, but this dissatisfaction only intensifies the appetite for it.
Chapters 3 through 5 begin to explore the Impacts of Patriarchal Culture on Men, as well as the Contributors to the Persistence of Patriarchy. As early as infancy, boys are victimized by patriarchal values, left to cry in their cribs for fear that they may grow up emasculated. While feminist theory recognizes that patriarchal culture is damaging, hooks criticizes it for failing to offer alternative options for boys and parents. Feminist mothers and fathers who work hard at home to reject patriarchal norms find their work undone when their children attend school and undergo pressure from peers to conform to dominator/submissive roles. The lack of alternatives contributes to patriarchy’s permanence.
Patriarchal culture impacts boys in myriad ways. hooks outlines many ways in which boys’ emotions are continually suppressed. They are encouraged to act out, remain jocular, and never take anything too seriously. The only emotions they are allowed to express are anger and rage, and society tries to help men find specific times and places for these emotions to be expressed. However, patriarchal culture fails to acknowledge that the rage boys feel is fueled by their constant repression of emotions. hooks suggests that the desire for boys to repress their emotions is the product of anti-gay bias.
When boys grow up, their rage is unleashed through violence. Domination becomes a cycle that is repeated perpetually. Maternal sadism feeds this cycle and is one way in which the power dynamics of patriarchy cross gender lines. Mothers worry their sons may not be masculine enough, or they project their own damage from patriarchal relationships onto their sons, whom they harass, dominate, coerce, manipulate, and threaten. In some cases, they are physically violent with them. Some mothers stand by and watch as fathers exert violent and aggressive control over their sons, either because they believe that their husbands are justified in their anger or because they are too fearful to combat it. This causes young boys to grow up with a hatred and rage toward women that they then demonstrate in their intimate relationships, and the cycle continues. This aligns with the theme Contributors to the Persistence of Patriarchy. hooks suggests that both men and women are responsible for patriarchy.
hooks’s scholarship was devoted to intersectional feminism, which explores how class, racism, sexism, and other forms of systemic oppression overlap to affect different identities in myriad ways and empower certain groups while suppressing others. In The Will to Change, she points out that lower- and middle-class fathers are more likely to commit violence in the home; she connects this to the fact that lower- and middle-class men hold positions of employment that often leave them feeling powerless and dehumanized. Intimate relationships become the space where they feel they can regain some of what they lost during the workday.
Furthermore, patriarchy impacts sex and the ways that men and women perceive it. Just as men act out their fantasies of power in the home, they use sex to dominate and control. Patriarchal culture affirms this idea. Boys learn about sex by watching patriarchal pornography, which confirms dominator and submissive roles. Rape culture is predicated upon this idea, and many boys fail to understand consent because they believe dominance is their inherent position. All of this, hooks argues, damages men as much as women. They believe that they can find the love and emotion that are missing from their lives through sex, which they are told they should always be pursuing. However, their sexual relationships leave them dissatisfied and unfulfilled. Playing out domination in bed is a poor replacement for emotional connection, so men vehemently pursue sex in the hope that they will eventually find what is missing from their lives.
By this point in the book, hooks only hints at what she sees as the solution: Partnership Model and Feminist Masculinity. By outlining exactly how patriarchy hurts men, she lays the groundwork for presenting a different model. Parents need a way to reframe and restructure their relationships with one another and with their children, and society needs a way to rehabilitate and heal violent men. Additionally, American culture needs to rethink how it views and presents sex in media and in the home. These ideas build support for hooks’s argument that men and women must act in partnership against patriarchy.
By bell hooks
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