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Louise MurphyA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
The deceased narrator believes that she must tell the truthful version of a story to correct other versions told by liars. She asks readers to listen to the story but warns that it will be difficult to hear. Though she does not reveal her name in this chapter, the narrator is a woman named Magda who is sometimes called “The Witch.”
The narrator begins her tale of World War II. On a November night in 1943, Nazi soldiers chase the Mechanik and the Stepmother on motorcycles. The family drives along a wooded road in Poland, with the Mechanik’s son and daughter riding in their motorcycle’s sidecar. As the Stepmother tries to persuade the Mechanik that he must leave the children in the woods to save them, he thinks about the unfairness of his situation. The Mechanik is Jewish but devoted himself to education and intellectualism instead of his father’s religion. Still, he and his family had to flee western Poland when the Nazis invaded it. The Mechanik’s wife died in a bombing as they evacuated. Though he remarried and survived both Russian occupation and life in the Bialystok ghetto under the Nazis, he witnessed the suffering of other Jews, and his family remains in danger.
The Stepmother continues to argue that the children will be better off in the woods. “Leave the children,” she pleads, “and we’ll all have a chance” (4). The narrator reveals that the 11-year-old daughter is blue-eyed and blond, and that she is protective of her 7-year-old brother. The Mechanik is angry with his wife, but ultimately, he gives in to her argument. When the children hesitate to run, The Stepmother tells the daughter that she doesn’t look Jewish and warns the son to hide his circumcision, which would reveal his Judaism. She also tells them to forget their Jewish names and go by Hansel and Gretel. The Mechanik and The Stepmother drive away on the motorcycle without looking back.
Gretel directs her brother to hide in a pile of leaves as the Nazi soldiers approach on their motorcycles. From the hiding spot, Hansel admires the Nazis’ precision and notes how they “sat perfectly straight and weren’t afraid of being seen” (6). The Nazis pass by without noticing the children. Gretel feels uneasy in the ensuing silence because she is used to sounds of suffering in the Polish ghetto. She begins to cry but manages to praise Hansel for being quiet. The children practice using their new names. Gretel leads Hansel further into the Bialowieza Forest.
As the children walk, Hansel tries to ignore his growing hunger. He has a piece of bread in his pocket, but his father and Gretel have taught him that he should save food for as long as possible. Still, Hansel takes out the bread and begins tearing it into crumbs, dropping them onto the forest floor. Though Gretel is dismayed, she does not try to stop him. Hansel explains that he believes The Stepmother will follow the breadcrumbs to find him. Gretel does not share his belief. For her, the bread evokes a distant memory of eating challah, a traditional Jewish bread, with a white-haired man whose name she does not remember. Gretel thinks that her time in the ghetto robbed her of this memory and many others.
The children follow the sounds of an owl deeper into the forest. They consider walking through a stream to hide their scent in case the Nazis use dogs to track them but decide that the water is too cold. Gretel reminds Hansel not to urinate in front of anyone, even her, lest he show his circumcision. Weary and confused, Gretel decides to rest for the night. She tells Hansel to help her build a burrow of leaves, and they huddle inside the leaves for warmth.
Hansel and Gretel awaken to snow. They talk about practicing their new names and finding food. They’re careful to be quiet although the forest seems empty. The children set out in search of a farm to steal food from. As they walk, Gretel remembers the relative comforts of her childhood: a maid, a refrigerator, and piles of books. Even in the ghetto, she thinks, her father managed to hold onto an atlas, a collection of fairy tales, and a book of mathematics. Gretel is lost in memories until she thinks of the airplanes that appeared overhead as she and her family fled Bialystok. “Then,” the narrator says, “the door in her mind shut and they were gone” (15).
The children spot a small hut with bread on its roof. As Hansel runs to steal the food, Gretel sees an old woman with long white hair watching them. The children run, but Hansel drops the bread, and he and Gretel fall to the ground to retrieve it. The woman laughs at them. She asks Hansel to carry her water pails in exchange for the bread, but Hansel refuses. The woman says that Hansel looks like a Rom, or gypsy, but that Gretel does not. Gretel tells her their new names and is relieved to see that the woman is not carrying a weapon.
Neither child answers when the woman asks about their parents. The woman says that bread is lucky, and Hansel becomes upset that he crumbled his own piece of bread in the forest. Gretel mimics the Stepmother by slapping him to calm him down. The woman asks for payment for the bread Hansel took. When he says he does not have money, she pulls a button from his coat. The woman uses a stick to draw a circle around herself and the children. She claims that the circle will restore Hansel and Gretel’s luck and mutters in a language the children do not recognize. She again refers to Hansel as “almost of the Rom” (18).
When Hansel asks her about the Rom, the woman explains that they are gypsies whom the Nazis exterminated. Gretel moves to help the woman with the pails, but she accidently steps on the circle. The children fear that Gretel has ruined their new luck. As the woman returns to the hut with her water, leaving the children outside, she tells them that her name is Magda, and that villagers call her Magda the Witch.
The Mechanik and the Stepmother leave his motorcycle in the brush. The Mechanik is paralyzed by thoughts of his children, but the Stepmother pulls him along into the woods. They wade through a creek to hide their scent from the Nazi’s dogs, just as Hansel and Gretel considered doing in Chapter 3.
The Mechanik wonders aloud why the Nazis would continue to pursue them, and why they pursued other Jews. He reveals that soldiers beat his parents to death. The Stepmother grows angry thinking about her own loss: the Nazis killed her husband and infant. She did not tell the Mechanik about the baby’s existence because “she couldn’t make her mouth say the child’s name” (22). The Stepmother wishes she could dwell on positive memories of her privileged life before the Nazi invasion, but she feels they are tarnished by what has happened since.
It begins to snow. Near dawn, a man with a gun emerges from the woods. The man reveals that he is a partisan, an outlaw working against the Nazis. He worries that the Mechanik and the Stepmother could lead the Nazis to him. The Stepmother assures him that neither of them would, though she believes the Mechanik would if it meant saving her life. The partisan takes them to his group of seven men, which is led by a former prisoner of war called “the Russian.”
The Stepmother realizes that the partisans are holding a Nazi captive. She grabs one of their guns and shoots the Nazi in the head over their protests. The Russian is pleased and says that she can stay with their group, but the Mechanik cannot. The Stepmother turns the gun on the Russian. The Mechanik tells the group that he has a motorcycle and that he’s an engineer. The Russian is convinced that he may be useful after all and says that both can stay as long as the Mechanik brings them his motorcycle. He agrees, but the Stepmother worries about his errand and thinks he will try to find the children. As the Mechanik disappears back into the woods, the Stepmother thinks of the Nazi that she killed and feels great happiness.
The brief first chapter establishes Magda the Witch as the narrator of Hansel and Gretel’s tale. Magda seeks to gain readers’ trust by emphasizing her commitment to telling the truth. The chapter also foreshadows Magda’s death. She speaks of her time “between green earth and blue sky” in the past tense and complains that, in her present, “lies disturb [her] peace” (1).
By titling the second chapter “Once Upon a Time,” the author invites readers to compare The True Story of Hansel and Gretel with the Brothers Grimm fairy tale upon which it is loosely based. In both texts, a father and a stepmother face starvation and decide to abandon the father’s children in the forest. The second chapter also establishes the novel’s World War II setting by alluding to Nazis, ghettos, and the violent treatment of Jews in Poland. It clarifies the roles of the Mechanik, the Stepmother, Hansel, and Gretel within that historical setting by sharing the characters’ thoughts. While the Mechanik feels frustration because his secular intellectualism could not spare him or his family from persecution, Hansel, Gretel, and the Stepmother think of their persistent hunger. All four characters are vulnerable because of their Judaism.
Chapters 3 and 4 convey the nature of Hansel and Gretel’s relationship. In the Brothers Grimm fairy tale, Hansel is the older sibling. The novel changes that dynamic by giving Gretel the role of big sister. She protects and advises Hansel, assuming leadership over her impulsive younger brother. Hansel respects Gretel’s counsel but is not a pushover. He makes crumbs of his last slice of bread, even though he suspects Gretel will disapprove of that choice. Both chapters also incorporate familiar details from the Grimm fairy tale. Hansel’s trail of breadcrumbs directly echoes that text, and the bread attached to Magda’s hut recalls the Witch’s candy house.
Chapter 5 gives the relationship between the Mechanic and the Stepmother definition. Like Gretel, the Stepmother is a protective and pragmatic leader, urging her husband on when he proposes they stop to rest. The chapter also widens the scope of the narrative by introducing a group of partisans to the story. Their inclusion suggests the variety of ways that citizens resisted the Nazis during World War II. While the Mechanik and his family flee the ghetto and Magda turns away visitors to her hut, the Russian and his men seek to sabotage the German forces.
The earliest chapters of the novel use characters’ memories to explain their circumstances and actions. For instance, the narrator reveals that Nazis killed the Stepmother’s infant son before she met the Mechanik. Her anger about that atrocity partially explains her happiness when she shoots a Nazi soldier in Chapter 5. These chapters also use winter imagery—snow, ice, and chilling cold—to underscore the desperate situation in which the main characters find themselves. The changing of the seasons will emerge as a major theme of the novel, mirroring changes in the characters’ lives.