28 pages • 56 minutes read
Anne McCaffreyA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Apart from emphasizing that he is small, the story provides minimal physical description of Keevan. This further emphasizes the role his size plays in the story and highlights the misbelief of many in his community that size determines worth and range of ability. Keevan’s character shows depth and interiority in his main internal conflict about this issue. He wonders “why being small was reprehensible” (5), demonstrating his understanding that his size is less important than other factors, such as speed and strength of character. Conversely, Keevan struggles with moments of self-doubt, evidenced in intrusive thoughts. He worries that he’s more likely to be forbidden from candidacy because “the Weyr’s need was for fighting dragons and riders” (16). Thus, Keevan decides to “settle for a green dragon” (8) because it’s small like him; this reveals the insecurity and self-doubt he feels in moments of uncertainty and panic. Keevan’s lack of friends, as well as the overall loneliness and isolation he experiences, amplifies the impact of his size on other areas of his life.
Through external conflict, the area in which everyone—including Keevan—feels he is inherently lacking in due to his size, he exhibits the strengths of character that allow him to rise above the misconception that size indicates worth and ability. Keevan exhibits courage in facing Beterli’s physical and emotional abuse; goodness and honesty in his adherence to the rules and the mercy he shows Beterli, despite the bully’s behavior; and perseverance in making it to the Hatching Ground unfettered by the pain of his injuries. In the end, by proving that his value and ability lie in his strength of character rather than his size, Keevan finds internal solace from his earlier doubts and misbeliefs—as well as acceptance from others. This external approval becomes inconsequential to him after he finally accepts himself and finds a lifetime friend in Heth.
As the “most senior of the boys” (3), Beterli is the largest and most threatening among the dragonrider candidates. He leads the pack, but he garnered this position through fear and intimidation, not respect. Beterli is often described as having a cruel, condescending smile on his face and is prone to acts of physical violence. With eight Impressions under his belt but no dragon to show for them, Beterli’s size doesn’t seem to be the deciding factor in whether or not he Impresses; rather, the narration implies that his questionable character lies at the root of this issue. He never wastes an opportunity to ridicule Keevan, even resorting to physical violence, despite rules that forbid it. Beterli’s lack of respect for authority, as well as for his peers, is evident in the observation that he “didn’t fight fair even when a wingsecond was watching” (5). He remains static, stuck in selfish displays of smug superiority that do him no favors, such as injuring Keevan in their final interaction, an action that indefinitely bans him from participating in another Impression. Beterli proves that physical size and strength don’t account for a person’s value, as assessed by the dragons; a person’s actions and intentions determine their worth.
Keevan is the main focus of Beterli’s bullying, though their peers are well-acquainted with his taunts and his fists. This fixation on Keevan suggests that Beterli struggles with intense insecurities stemming from eight failed Impressions. Though he uses his physical size and eldest status to his advantage, he is threatened by the possibility that the smallest and youngest candidate, Keevan, may Impress a dragon before he does.
The story provides minimal description of Keevan’s stepmother, Mende, though she is portrayed as gentle, compassionate, and just. Her wisdom and intelligence are alluded to in every interaction. For example, in the beginning of the story, Keevan mentions that she knows “every word of every Harper’s tale worth telling” (6). Mende is an archetypal character, embodying the wise mentor who also happens to serve as the mother figure to Keevan. Her wisdom is given weight due to her experience, which is evident in her assertion that she’s “seen many a well-grown lad left standing on the sands, Hatching Day, in favor of someone not so strong or tall or handsome” (6). She also witnessed their Weyrleader Impress his bronze, Mnementh, showing that she has been around for a long time and knows much more than Keevan about this process. Not only does she impart the necessary guidance he needs at various stages of the story—such as when she lists traits that she believes dragons value over physical strength and size—but she also serves as a role model, especially when Keevan must take on parts of her nurturing role for Heth when the dragon chooses him.
Mende serves as a voice of reason to combat Keevan’s self-doubt throughout his journey to self-realization. In his moments of insecurity, she uses her knowledge and insight to remind him he is worthy and able, factors that are not tied to his age or his size. In dialogue and action, Mende continuously delivers on the lesson Keevan must learn in the end: His biggest strength lies in his virtuous character.
Heth is a the only bronze dragon of Keevan’s hatching. Bronze dragons are among the most prestigious breed, the dream of every candidate hoping to Impress. Bronzes are “almost as big as the queen” (8). Due to Heth’s status as a bronze, he has the potential to earn his chosen dragonrider a position as Weyrleader. He is the rarest, most sought-after breed in the hatching pool, but his position also inevitably places him apart from the rest of his cohort. Thus, he endures an isolation that is similar to Keevan’s, though for different reasons.
The story never reveals which egg Heth hatched from. Therefore, the only descriptions that can be attributed to Heth are post-hatching. The physical descriptors applied to him are numerous: Heth has wet wings “dropping in the sand,” “glowing jeweled eyes,” a “sagging middle” and “unsteady legs” (29-31). Though he’s a large bronze, making him reputable based on size alone, he is just-hatched. Thus, his body lacks strength, as evidenced by his struggles to keep standing, his “soft hide,” and his “fragile-looking wings” (31). In addition to physical strength, Heth lacks confidence. When he first approaches Keevan, he is anxious and insecure, indicating his desire to find acceptance from the individual he chose as his lifetime peer. Keevan offers reassurance and love without hesitation, inspiring “pride and joy” (32) within both of them. Having discovered unconditional acceptance in Keevan, Heth finds his confidence and feels comfortable enough to mention his hunger. Heth also finds his physical strength in this friendship; supporting each other, both Keevan and Heth are able to exit the Hatching Ground together.
By Anne McCaffrey