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E. P. ThompsonA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Chapter 6 establishes a historiographical (what other scholars have written on the subject) and a historical context for Part 2. In the mid-20th century, prevailing academic orthodoxies held that the Industrial Revolution had broad material benefits. Economic empiricists such as Sir John Clapham, author of Economic History of Modern Britain (1926) held that the combination of steam power and the cotton mill produced the English working class, and that empirical data shows material improvements in the working class’s standard of living during the Industrial Revolution. Thompson also cites F.A. Hayek and others who gloss over the Industrial Revolution’s destructive consequences because of their ideological preoccupation with defending capitalism against totalitarian threats.
Thompson counters empiricism with history. First, he argues that the “working class made itself as much as it was made” (194) by steam power and the cotton mill: The political context introduced in Part 1 is at least as important as the industrial context. Furthermore, economic data, however useful, cannot explain why so much surviving evidence conveys a sense of unfolding catastrophe. In short, according to the evidence, working-class people observed, experienced, and described “more intensive or more transparent forms of economic exploitation” (198). These include the rural enclosure movement, the deliberate suppression of wages, the shift to child labor, and the new factory discipline and corresponding loss of independence. Coupled with the counter-revolutionary political repression that began in the 1790s, these new forms of exploitation meant that the English working man saw his capitalist employer and his government in alliance against him.
Chapter 7 highlights the exploitative relationship between landowners and agricultural laborers. Thompson dismisses economic empiricist Sir John Clapham’s idea of an agricultural average. Statistics, for instance, do not tell the stories of the agricultural laborers adversely affected by the enclosure movement. Nor do statistics account for the enclosers’ motives: the monopolization of land and the reduction of its human inhabitants to a state of dependency. To these were added the surplus-population arguments of Malthusianism and the draconian Poor Law of 1834. The result was “a countryside governed with counter-revolutionary license” (222).
An agricultural revolt began in 1830. Its primary feature was the physical destruction of labor-saving technology, but it had political consequences as well. For one thing, it helped produce the political environment that led to the 1832 Reform Act. More important, like most rural uprisings, the 1830 revolt sprang from grievances related to the monopolization of land—and land “always carries associations—of status, security, rights—more profound than the value of its crop” (230). Agricultural laborers developed a sense that their status, their security, and their rights had been destroyed by the new exploitative relationship represented by the enclosure movement; this shared sense of loss helped form a class consciousness.
Chapter 8 describes the plight of workers in various urban industries. Here the concept of an “average” deduced from economic data is as inadequate as it was for the agricultural laborers analyzed in the previous chapter. Evidence for artisans—shoemakers, tailors, printers, and a host of other tradesmen—conveys a sense of the era’s “general insecurity” (248). At best, work was available on a semi-regular basis. The 1814 repeal of centuries-old apprenticeship laws exposed the trades to competition from all directions, from monopolists above and from unskilled aspirants below.
As was the case for the agricultural laborer, new technologies alone cannot account for the artisan’s decline. Thompson views the “conflict between the artisans and the large employers” as “part of a more general, exploitive pattern” (258). Artisans felt the loss of their independence with the same acute resentment and despair as the agricultural laborers. Many fell into extreme poverty. Their government responded with the Poor Law of 1834, based on the theory that poor people needed a spur to labor. This law transformed workhouses into effective prisons.
Chapter 9 describes the decline of weavers, those who worked in textiles such as wool and cotton. As was the case for agricultural laborers and urban artisans, the weavers’ full experience of industrialization defies raw economic data. Surviving evidence shows that early-19th-century weavers lamented their lost independence and regarded the 18th century as a “golden age” (269). Furthermore, new technology alone cannot account for the weavers’ plight; their decline began long before the mechanized power-loom replaced the traditional handloom. Employers maximized profits by requiring their employees to work long hours—a deliberate system of exploitation that produced an industry-wide “pool of surplus labour, semi-employed, defenceless, and undercutting each other’s wages” (280).
By the 1830s, when the power-loom supplanted the handloom as the textile industry’s primary tool of production, the weavers’ decline into a degraded state of dependence had already occurred. None of this was inevitable. The government, for instance, aided the employers’ cause by smashing trade unions, leaving skilled workers vulnerable to unskilled competition. Advocates for the weavers sought legislative redress, including a tax on power looms, a reduction in working hours, and a restriction of employment to adult-male weavers only. All of these, however, amounted to little more than rear-guard actions, for the larger “conflict” involved “two cultural modes or ways of life” (305): on one hand, a traditional mode that preserved weaver independence, and on the other hand, a newer mode of exploitation that reduced the weaver to a state of dependence.
The best way to understand Chapters 6-9 is to think of them as an extended rebuttal to the argument that 1) the Industrial Revolution brought unprecedented material benefits to the English people, and 2) therefore the Industrial Revolution and the industrial-capitalist system should be viewed in a positive light. Thompson acknowledges the first part of the argument, though he questions the distribution of those benefits. He emphatically rejects the second part.
Thompson exposes the Industrial Revolution’s ugliness in terms that industrial apologists seldom address. Whereas empiricists and economic historians debate charts and graphs, standards-of-living, price indices, and the like, Thompson insists that real human well-being cannot be measured or even inferred from the proliferation of material goods. To an urban artisan who once labored in his own shop, honing his craft, training apprentices, and enjoying the rhythms of a task-oriented workday, but is suddenly thrust into a factory, compelled to perform hours of monotonous labor bound to an unforgiving clock, the loss of independence and status constitutes a personal tragedy for which no material goods can compensate. The same thing happened in weaving communities and in rural England. Misfortunes occur in all times and places, but the degradation of the artisan, the weaver, and the field laborer were not simply the natural course of things. Thompson argues that it was a direct and intended result of capitalist exploitation. Furthermore, these myriad personal tragedies are not mere footnotes in an otherwise triumphant story of industrial progress; they are the standard by which capitalism must be judged.
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