
55 pages 1 hour read

Dr. David Schwartz

The Magic Of Thinking Big

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 1959

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Chapters 7-10Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 7 Summary: “Manage Your Environment: Go First Class”

Like the body, the mind is fed, but what it eats are ideas. Bad food leads to nutritional problems, and bad ideas do the same to the mind. The food of the mind comes from the environment. Thus, spending time with negative or petty people tends to make one negative or petty, while associating with people who have big ideas and ambitions tends to guide one toward similarly big aspirations.

As young children, we had big aims—“we made plans to conquer the unknown, to be leaders, to attain positions of high importance, to do exciting and stimulating things, to become wealthy and famous” (148). Soon, though, people told us those dreams were impossible. Kids respond in one of three ways: They surrender completely, partially, or never.

Most people give up entirely and tell themselves they’re fine without their dreams. Those who surrender partially start out with ambitions but soon succumb to fears of failure, disapproval, and loss; they decide their dreams aren’t worth the effort. A small percentage never surrender: They refuse to be cowed or discouraged and instead focus on success.

When someone believes they’ll someday be president of the company, acquaintances may laugh or warn them against getting their hopes up. If they express this dream to the company president, that person won’t laugh but will take them seriously. Only those who don’t succeed will say it can’t be done.

Schwartz had a friend in college, a very nice person but a pessimist. This friend believed there are only three ways to make money: marry it, steal it, or know the right people. Though he got high grades in engineering, years later he was working as an underpaid draftsman with four kids to feed.

Some people are jealous of others’ success: They try to discourage ambitious people by ridiculing them or getting in their way. These people are to be avoided, along with people who gossip and take pleasure in pulling others down so they feel less bad about their own lives. Instead, find like-minded people and “[m]ove upward with them” (155). Those who are higher-up are often are happy to counsel those on the rise: They want their achievements preserved and enhanced into the future.

Going first class also includes making purchases. Buying cut-rate goods and services often ends up costing more because they wear out quickly or fail expensively.

Chapter 8 Summary: “Make Your Attitudes Your Allies”

People communicate their attitudes through many things, including facial expressions, tone of voice, and bodily stance. The right attitudes are vital to success; especially important to cultivate are “I’m activated,” “You are important,” and “Service first” (168).

In college, Schwartz took a history class taught by a professor so dull that students fell asleep or chatted among themselves. The professor would scold the class for not listening, but Schwartz realized that others become enthusiastic only if the speaker is enthusiastic.

One way to develop enthusiasm for a topic is to search deeply into it. Seemingly boring subjects become fascinating when you learn their intricacies. In meeting people, learn about their background, their ideas, and their dreams. To move successfully to a new community, get to know it well and learn to think with the enthusiasm of a local.

Another way to increase enthusiasm is as follows: “In everything you do, life it up” (173). Big handshakes, big smiles, big thank-you’s add energy; speaking with vitality creates eagerness in others.

A third way to pump up enthusiasm is to speak only of good news. Bad news never makes friends, and complaining about the weather accomplishes nothing, but pointing out the good things that are happening evokes happy energy in others. If you feel great, let people know it. The test is whether people feel better for having spoken with you.

The most important psychological need that people have is to feel important, yet most of us usually treat others as unimportant unless they have something we need. People will go out of their way to help a person, though, if that person makes them feel important. Doing this helps you feel important, especially when they thereafter make a point of greeting you each day.

Express appreciation for others and compliment them. Address them by their names. Share the glory: When you win an award, for example, thank the people who helped you earn it.

At home, ask yourself daily what you can do to make your family happy. It doesn’t have to be expensive; what counts is the thought that they matter to you. Even if you’re busy, plan to spend regular time with them. After all, they’re the main point of all your hard work. One executive always spent 7:30 to 8:30 in the evening with his children, then did two hours of take-home work, then spent an hour talking with his wife. Sundays were entirely given over to his family, which was good for them and energized him.

The way to make money is not to focus on the money; instead, focus on service. When we’re only willing to do more if we get a raise, that raise never comes. When executives budget cheaply to save money, the results are inferior, and they earn less money. It’s better to do more than the client expects; this plants “money seeds” that grow more money in the future.

Chapter 9 Summary: “Think Right Toward People”

The support of others is essential to success. Without cooperative workers, managers fail; without buyers, salespeople make no earnings. That support, though, comes from likability much more than technical skill. Likability isn’t random: Successful people learn to be likable. American President Lyndon Johnson had a written, ten-point plan for success with others that included remembering people’s names, being easygoing, not being a know-it-all, and liking and appreciating others.

Friendship can’t be bought: People appreciate gifts, but not if they’re an attempt to bribe, which generates contempt. On the other hand, it’s good to initiate efforts to make friends: Successful people introduce themselves, start conversations, do so with a pleasant remark, give and get names, and follow up with a friendly note or call.

People often openly disapprove of others, but this downgrades a person’s likability. Instead, recognize that nobody’s perfect, that they have a right to be different, and that they hate being told they’re wrong.

In receiving criticism—for example, from the boss—it’s tempting to listen to “Channel N,” the negative channel in your mind, which complains about the treatment and tempts you to argue with the critic. Instead, listen to “Channel P,” the positive channel, which will suggest following the advice and thanking the giver when the results turn out well.

Listening to either channel causes a “chain reaction” that tips our thoughts strongly toward the negative or the positive. The way to change the channel away from the negative is to think one good thought about another person, and other good thoughts will follow naturally. When people complain about someone, it’s best either to politely change the topic or excuse oneself from the conversation.

An insurance salesman always made a point of finding something to like about each prospect. This would get him to like the person, and shortly that person would like him, and usually a sale would follow. A similar approach is to “treat customers like guests in your home” (205). These types of “first-class” treatment apply to everyone—customers and employees included. 

When things don’t go well—someone else gets the promotion, for example—it’s tempting to resent those involved. Better, though, is to reason out why someone else deserved the opportunity, then make corrections and plan ahead for the next win.

Chapter 10 Summary: “Get the Action Habit”

Success is decisive while failure hesitates. An “Activationist” takes immediate action, but a “Passivationist” postpones a decision, thinks about it, and never does anything.

Perfectionism can derail any project. Some people try to plan out everything precisely so as to avoid any trouble, but this fails in a world where problems appear out of nowhere. Waiting for the perfect moment takes forever. One young couple on a budget overcame their challenges: They moved from an apartment to a house by arranging a loan from the builder, getting extra paid hours at work, and shifting the old rent payments to a mortgage with the same monthly payment.

Unused ideas cause the pain of regret, but those acted on generate satisfaction and tranquility. Fear, too, disappears when a person takes action. Even professionals get nervous, but they get past their fears by doing the job. The way to take action is to do it, even if that means merely going through the motions. The physical process sets the mind in motion, and the work gets done.

Janet and Bill wanted to save money, but their budget never permitted it. Janet finally put her foot down and convinced Bill that they should save 10% first, automatically, and then manage their lives with what was left. They found that they could adjust their expenses, and that saving money itself became a satisfying way of “spending” it.

One business woman called a conference of her own executives to discuss a policy change. They hemmed and hawed and uttered platitudes; she couldn’t get any useful ideas out of them: “It was like talking with a bunch of vegetables” (228). It turns out they had plenty of ideas, which they shared with each other afterward, but they weren’t willing to put themselves on the line during the conference when it mattered. Somewhat similarly, college students will study by taking care of small details and distractions until the time for deep thinking is used up.

Instead of waiting for others, take the initiative and crusade for a project until it catches on and everyone gets involved. Volunteer to help out; this may get snickers, but it also gets you noticed by the other doers. Doers become leaders. People listen to and trust leaders, not those who sit by passively.

Chapters 7-10 Analysis

These chapters describe how to interact with people and the world in ways that reinforce positive beliefs and lead to success. These include being likable, taking the initiative, and building enthusiasm. Schwartz expands on the book’s central theme of The Importance of Believing in Success. He also addresses a second theme, Other People and Success, which holds that no one achieves success without the support of others, and that prioritizing them and their wants and needs is critical to reaching goals.

Chapter 7 points out that associating with negative people can damage your attitude, while being with positive people can uplift you. Other self-help books take this a step further by suggesting that ambitious people join a “mastermind” group of similarly goal-oriented folks who mentor each other in problem-solving and moving ahead on plans. Older or retired professionals also sometimes become mentors to up-and-coming young people. These are signs of culture taking on the techniques taught in the book.

In Chapter 10, Schwartz discusses how hesitation and passivity can be lethal to careers and other ambitions. In 1923, advertising executive George W Cecil wrote this slogan: “On the Plains of Hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the Dawn of Victory, sat down to wait, and waiting—died!” (Bohle, Bruce, editor. The Home Book of American Quotations. Dodd, Mead, 1967, p 208). Another saying on the same point is as follows: “Money loves speed.” Both quotes imply that, in a competitive world, “[h]e who hesitates is lost,” and that ideas must be acted on quickly or the inspiration will grow stale, the project gets put on hold, and someone else wins the day.

This isn’t to say that people should rush toward their goals. Several times, for example, Schwartz insists that focusing on making as much money as possible is the wrong tack. Instead, focusing on service reaches the same goal, and does so more efficiently. Schwartz implies that attention to excellence is much more productive than hurrying to reach a financial goal.

Chapter 10 also mentions the value of volunteering. Schwartz means this mainly in the sense of donating one’s time at work, where showing initiative can pay for itself with promotions. Volunteering also pays dividends even when it’s not directly connected to paying work. A contemporary example is author and podcaster Tim Ferriss, who shortly after college, volunteered at business organizations where he learned a great deal and met many famous people who became part of his growing network of contacts. The benefits of such volunteering helped him become a bestselling author, award-winning podcaster, and successful investor. (Ferriss, Tim. “Favorite Books, Supplements, Simple Technologies and More (#266).” The Tim Ferriss Show, 2 Feb 2018).

The main point of these chapters is to emphasize the importance of getting along with others. It’s people who confer success by their support, or with their purchase of products. Schwartz’s advice is to focus on people, and success and money will take care of themselves.

People are so important to success that they also figure prominently in the book’s final chapters.

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