
49 pages 1 hour read

Tom Clancy

The Hunt for Red October

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1984

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Important Quotes

Quotation Mark Icon

“Marko’s father had been a true Soviet hero—and Marko was deeply ashamed to be his son.”

(Chapter 1, Page 15)

Marko Ramius is presented in this first chapter as an exceptional Soviet submarine captain, someone trusted to take a state-of-the-art submarine on its maiden voyage. However, as Ramius converses with the political officer of the Red October, his thoughts on his father reveal that Ramius might not be the loyal Soviet naval officer he appears to be. His being ashamed of his father suggests that Ramius is not a true believer in Soviet ideals. This statement allows the author to set up the motivation that inspires Ramius to proceed with his plan to defect to the US.

Quotation Mark Icon

“‘A wise man knows his limitations.’ And a bold one seizes opportunities. Every officer aboard had served with Ramius before, except for three junior lieutenants, who would obey their orders as readily as any wet-nosed matros (seaman), and the doctor, who was useless.”

(Chapter 1, Page 26)

Ramius is speaking with the political officer on Red October as they wait to check their orders for this voyage. Ramius reveals that the other officers aboard the submarine are loyal to him, with the exception of the younger officers and the doctor. This sets up the idea that Ramius is not alone in his plan, but it also adds in the complicating factor: those who do not know the plan and could pose a threat to it. In this way, the author begins creating the first bit of tension as the plot develops.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Comrades! If we succeed in reaching Cuba undetected by the imperialists—and we will!—the officers and men of Red October will have a week—a week—of shore leave to visit our fraternal socialist comrades on the beautiful island of Cuba. I have been there, Comrades, and you will find it to be exactly what you have read, a paradise of warm breezes, palm trees, and comradely good fellowship.”

(Chapter 2, Page 33)

Ramius announces the “orders” for Red October, reading false orders that are a replacement for the real ones he took from the safe with the political officer. To explain his course for the coast of the US, Ramius tells his men they are headed to Cuba, a place 90 miles off the coast of the US that at the time was Communist and friendly to the Soviet Union. In this way, Ramius gets the cooperation of his crew by suggesting they will be rewarded for supporting his desire to run the Red October’s new drive system and evade both American and Soviet ships and submarines. Ramius’s plan will allow for Red October to approach the US without creating dissidence among his crew, revealing not only his intelligence but also the degree of planning he put into his defection attempt.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Tupolev had never expected that this would be easy. No attack submarine commander had ever embarrassed Ramius. He was determined to be the first, and the difficulty of the task would only confirm his own prowess. In one or two more years, Tupolev planned to be the new master.”

(Chapter 2, Page 44)

Tupolev was once a student of Ramius and is the current captain of the VK Konovalov, the submarine ordered to find and track Red October in an exercise to prove the effectiveness of the new drive system. The author uses him not only to expand on the symbolic hope and progression of technology the new drive system represents for the Soviets but also to introduce the ambition and enthusiasm of this particular character. Tupolev will appear in the novel at a later date as an enemy of Ramius, and his ambition will place both Red October and Konovalov in danger as he goes after Ramius.

Quotation Mark Icon

“By choice Marko became individual in his thinking, and so unknowingly committed the gravest sin in the Communist pantheon. Outwardly the model of a Party member’s son, he played the game carefully and according to all the rules. He did his duty for all Party organizations, and was always the first to volunteer for the menial tasks allotted to children aspiring to Party membership, which he knew was the only path to success or even comfort in the Soviet Union.”

(Chapter 3, Page 53)

The reality of living in the Soviet Union begins to be revealed in Chapter 3 as Ramius reflects on his background. For Ramius, an intelligent man who was raised by his Lithuanian grandmother and was friends with a disgraced Soviet captain, it is difficult to understand the restrictions of a Communist society. Ramius’s father taught him to be a team player, to do what the Party instructs him to do, and not to think for himself. He does the opposite in his own thoughts, but on the outside, he becomes the perfect party member, playing the game to advance his career and enjoy a few rare freedoms. However, it is clear from earlier chapters that Ramius does not believe in the party line and plans to seek freedom elsewhere, punishing his country by taking their new submarine. This moment in Chapter 3 begins to reveal the seeds of Ramius’s rebellion, although it does not yet reveal his true motivation.

Quotation Mark Icon

“The life of Natalia Bogdanova Ramius had been lost at the hands of a surgeon who had been drinking while on call—a court-martial offense in the Soviet Navy—but Marko could not have the doctor punished. The surgeon was himself the son of a Party chieftain, his status secured by his own sponsors. Her life might have been saved by proper medication, but there had not been enough foreign drugs, and Soviet pharmaceuticals were untrustworthy. The doctor could not be made to pay, the pharmaceutical workers could not be made to pay—the thought echoed back and forth across his mind, feeding his fury until he decided that the State would be made to pay.”

(Chapter 3, Page 66)

The true motive for Ramius’s desire to defect and take Red October with him is revealed in the story of his wife’s death from sepsis after an appendicitis operation. After a lifetime of questioning the practices of his single-party government, Ramius lost his wife to an incompetent, drunk doctor and unregulated drug manufacturing practices, none of which he can seek justice over because of his government’s incompetence and nepotism. Not only does this episode provide motivation for Ramius to defect to the US but it also provides a snapshot into what life was like in the Soviet Union in 1984, exploring the cultural context of the novel. The differences showcased here touch on the theme of Lifestyle Differences: The US versus the Soviet Union in the 1980s and set the stage for the surprises the Soviet officers will have in store for them when they arrive in Norfolk, Virginia.

Quotation Mark Icon

“The only people Ryan needed to impress were those who knew him; he cared little for the rest. He had no ambition to celebrity. His life, he judged, was already as complicated as it needed to be—quite a bit more complicated than most would guess. It included a wife he loved and two children he doted on, a job that tested his intellect, and sufficient financial independence to choose his own path. The path Jack Ryan had chosen was in the CIA. The agency’s official motto was, The truth shall make you free. The trick, he told himself at least once a day, was finding that truth, and while he doubted that he would ever reach this sublime state of grace, he took quiet pride in his ability to pick at it, one small fragment at a time.”

(Chapter 4, Page 70)

Jack Ryan, who will go on to be the hero of many Clancy-branded books, movies, and video games, is introduced in a bit more detail in Chapter 4. Ryan is a quiet, intelligent man by his own description. He is more cerebral than physical, making him different from most heroes in spy or thriller novels. He is similar to Ramius in several ways, most notably their level of intelligence, quiet ways, and desire to seek the truth. Clancy chose two main characters who are not rivals but are men of very different backgrounds who seek the same thing: the freedom to think independently and to find the truth. Ryan’s desire to seek the truth is a character trait that will not change with subsequent novels; it makes him a hero who doesn’t give up in the face of adversity because of his driving need to understand the truth.

Quotation Mark Icon

“The room was SOSUS (sonar surveillance system) Atlantic Control. It was a fairly nondescript building, uninspired government layer cake, with windowless concrete walls, a large air-conditioning system on a flat roof, and an acronym-coded blue sign on a well-tended but now yellowed lawn. There were armed marines inconspicuously on guard inside the three entrances. In the basement were a pair of Cray-2 supercomputers tended by twenty acolytes, and behind the building was a trio of satellite ground stations, all up- and down-links. The men at the consoles and the computers were linked electronically by satellite and landline to the SOSUS system.”

(Chapter 4, Page 93)

The SOSUS system is introduced here, a system that allows the US to listen to activity in the Atlantic Ocean through sensors placed in the ocean to keep track of their own Navy vessels as well as those from other countries. This introduction is an example of Clancy’s ability to include technical detail into his narration in a way that does not distract from the plot. The SOSUS system plays an important role in the plot, as it gives the first indication that the Soviet Union is sending its entire Navy to the coast of the US. This system will also continue to monitor the situation and help increase narrative tension as the system monitors the Soviet Union’s movements in the Atlantic Ocean.

Quotation Mark Icon

Red October, now there was a fitting name for a Soviet warship! Named not only for the revolution that had forever changed the history of the world but also for the Red October Tractor Plant. Many was the dawn when Padorin had looked west to Stalingrad to see if the factory still stood, a symbol of the Soviet fighting men struggling against the Hitlerite bandits.”

(Chapter 5, Page 102)

Clancy touches on the novel’s cultural background here when he talks about the choice of names for the title submarine and the Soviets’ symbolic hope. These lines refer to the 1917 Russian Revolution that resulted in the Bolsheviks’ taking control of the country and forming the USSR in 1922. They used the color red during this revolution to symbolize the working man’s blood and the color red found in the Russian flag. The character also references the Red October Tractor Factory, the sight of fierce fighting during the Battle of Stalingrad during World War II. Although the plant was damaged from shelling at the beginning of the battle, it was repaired and began manufacturing tractors again within months of the war’s ending, making it a symbol of victory and perseverance for the Soviet people. Combining these references to name a state-of-the-art ballistic missile submarine makes Red October a symbol of hope, strength, and perseverance for the Soviet people, a fact that quickly alters as the true intentions of the captain become known.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Mr. President, our evaluation of this intelligence data is that Red October is attempting to defect to the United States.”

(Chapter 6, Page 152)

Ryan speaks to the president and the Joint Chiefs of Staff to express his evaluation of the data presented to the CIA regarding the movement of the Soviet Naval Fleet toward American shores. This is the first time in the novel the word “defect” is used in regard to the Red October and her crew. To defect is for a person from a foreign country to seek asylum in the US and live there without fear of being forced to go back to their home country. Based on the background information about the Cold War and the USSR, it is safe for Ryan to assume that a new submarine on its maiden voyage would not cause the entirety of the Soviet Navy to go searching for her in the event of mechanical failure. Therefore, it is a safe guess that the captain and part, or all, of her crew is seeking asylum in the US. This determination motivates the Americans’ actions for the remainder of the novel.

Quotation Mark Icon

“This Operation MANDOLIN was racing forward before they knew what the hell they were going to do, much less how. And the choice of his code name struck Ryan as singularly inappropriate. He wasn’t anyone’s wise man. The name should have been more like ‘Halloween.’”

(Chapter 6, Page 172)

Ryan reveals his insecurities as he thinks over the plan the CIA enacted because of his theories on the behavior of the Soviet Navy and the Red October. The CIA is sending him into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean to share information with the captain of a key American ship, Kennedy. Not only does Ryan criticize himself, thinking that the code name of ‘Magi’ is inappropriate and should be ‘Halloween’ because he is an analyst and not a field agent, but his presence on Kennedy also strikes him as someone playing dress up. He criticizes the plan because it is based on his theory and they do not have confirmation of his educated guesses at this point.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Ryan hated flying. He had once been a marine second lieutenant, and his active career had ended after only three months when his platoon’s helicopter had crashed on Crete during a NATO exercise. He had injured his back, nearly been crippled for life, and ever since regarded flying as something to be avoided.”

(Chapter 7, Page 174)

Ryan is notoriously afraid of flying. Clancy explains this fear in Chapter 7 and relates it to his brief time in the US Marines. Ryan exposes his character’s flaws and insecurities through his thoughts, but this time he reveals how brave he is to be flying in a helicopter despite his fear of flying after a helicopter crash when he was serving in Crete. Taking a helicopter flight after experiencing a crash shows his bravery and how deeply he believes in the operation he is currently working on.

Quotation Mark Icon

“On one hand, we have a missile submarine attempting to evade detection. On the other, we have a great deal of ASW arrayed to locate her, and she will be heading towards one of only a few discrete locations. Norfolk, of course, Newport, Groton, King’s Bay, Port Everglades, Charleston. A civilian port such as New York is less likely, I think. The problem is, what with Ivan sending all his Alfas racing to your coast, they will get there ahead of October. They may have a specific port target in mind. We’ll know that in another day. So, I’d say they have an equal chance. They’ll be able to operate far enough off your coast that your government will have no viable legal reason to object to whatever they do. If anything, I’d say the Soviets have the advantage. They have both a clearer idea of the submarine’s capabilities and a simpler overall mission. That more than balances their less capable sensors.”

(Chapter 7, Page 212)

An English officer aboard Invincible simplifies the situation with Red October and makes the situation clearer in Chapter 7. Tension builds in the plot as it is made clearer that Soviet submarines are coming very close to the American coast in violation of treaties between both countries during the Cold War; both the US and the USSR are potentially moments from declaring war on one another. Nuclear subs carrying Soviet missiles are close to American soil, and the ballistic missile submarine Red October is coming toward the US for reasons that are still essentially unclear; both countries are walking a tightrope as they wait to see what will happen next. One mistake by a single politician on either side could mean the next world war.

Quotation Mark Icon

“‘Mr. President,’ Arbatov reported, standing at attention. The president had not known that he had any military experience. ‘I am instructed to convey to you the regrets of my government that there has not been time to inform you of this. One of our nuclear submarines is missing and presumed lost. We are conducting an emergency rescue operation.’”

(Chapter 8, Page 242)

The Soviet Ambassador, Alexei Arbatov, meets with the POTUS to explain why the majority of the Soviet Naval Fleet is headed toward the shores of the US. He claims a submarine is missing. Once again, the Soviet government is showing their lack of trust, highlighting the theme Mutual Distrust between Soviet Leaders and Subordinates. This lie show a lack of trust by Soviet leaders in their own people, as well as in other governments. This lie is not taken seriously but allows the US to progress with Operation MANDOLIN without causing extra suspicion within the Soviet government.

Quotation Mark Icon

“The cooks bringing food forward from the galley to the crew spaces were seen to linger in the bow as long as they could. Men standing watch in the control room shifted on their feet more than usual, Ramius noted, hurrying forward at the change of watch.”

(Chapter 9, Page 290)

Rumors of problems with the reactor are beginning to spread through the Red October. Ramius set up his crew to witness the reactor being shut off periodically to check for leaks, encouraging the young lieutenants to work with the engineer to find these supposed leaks, as well as causing the doctor to see positive tests on the radiation badges designed to detect them. Ramius is creating chaos on his own boat in order to have an excuse for why the Red October will eventually have a mechanical failure. This is a pretext for perhaps removing the crew from the boat or having an excuse to approach an American port. Not only is Ramius showing part of his plan, but he's also revealing more of his character and the depth of his desire to defect from his home country in favor of the freedoms offered by the US.

Quotation Mark Icon

“The Tomcats screeched fifty feet overhead, the sonic booms they trailed sounding just like explosions. Shavrov acted entirely on his combat-trained instincts. He jerked back on his stick and triggered his four missiles at the departing American fighters.”

(Chapter 10, Page 334)

Although the Soviets moved the majority of their naval fleet into the Atlantic, closing in on the American coast, there has not been any trouble between them and the Western Bloc ships in the area. However, when the Americans fly over the Soviet fleet, one of the Soviet airplanes fires at two US Tomcats. This moment adds tension to the plot, as it shows how easily an incident like this can happen and what the results can be. One American soldier is injured in this attack, but it could have been far worse. By using a Soviet missile to attack an American plane, Clancy foreshadows an attack on Red October by a Soviet submarine.

Quotation Mark Icon

“The zampolit mumbled his consent. If they failed in their mission, the charge of cowardice would be a small matter indeed. If they found the renegade submarine, they’d be heroes regardless of what else happened.”

(Chapter 11, Page 363)

Admiral Stralbo of the Soviet aircraft carrier, Kirov, speaks with the political officer aboard his ship to inform him he that he will not respond to US aircrafts that just gave him a warning by flying overhead and lighting him up with their missile guidance systems. This attitude reflects the typical way Clancy depicts Soviet military characters: quick to anger and intense in their patriotism, two character traits that are potentially dangerous. They also fear appearing weak or cowardly, both qualities that will guarantee a stalled career and could cause trouble for an officer’s family.

Quotation Mark Icon

“A thousand yards ahead of the Dallas, her contact had just begun a radical turn to the right. She had been doing so about every two hours since they had regained contact, though not regularly enough for the Dallas to settle into a comfortable pattern. Whoever is driving that boomer knows his business, Mancuso thought. The Soviet missile submarine was making a complete circle so her bow-mounted sonar could check for anyone hiding in her baffles.”

(Chapter 12, Page 387)

Dallas is an American submarine following Red October, but at this point they do not know the name of the Soviet submarine or that the entire Soviet Naval Fleet is looking for it. Dallas’s sonarman, Jones, is the only person in the Atlantic who has been able to hear the new drive system on the Red October at this point in the novel, due to his amazing hearing capabilities. This move by Red October foreshadows several others that place Dallas and other submarines in danger of discovery. This moment also shows how vulnerable a submarine is while it is submerged and how difficult it is for a submarine to become aware of other vessels nearby while it is in the depths of the ocean.

Quotation Mark Icon

White looked at Ryan. ‘Well, Jack, it would seem that your intelligence estimate was indeed correct. Jolly good.’”

“‘Jolly good my ass, my Lord Earl! I was right. Son of a bitch!’ Ryan’s hands flew up in the air, his seasickness forgotten. He calmed down. The occasion called for more decorum. ‘Excuse me, Admiral. We have some things to do.’”

(Chapter 13, Page 422)

Ryan expresses excitement on the first acknowledgment that his theory that Ramius is trying to defect is confirmed. He can now help Ramius in ways that his superiors predetermined. At the same time, Ryan also shows his strength and courage: Ryan also suffers seasickness but is on a ship for several days to assist in Operation MANDOLIN.

Quotation Mark Icon

“‘This close to the American coast, and perhaps an imperialist submarine still on our tail? What sort of “help” might we get, eh? Comrades, perhaps our problem is no accident, have you considered that? Perhaps we have become pawns in a murderous game.’ He shook his head. ‘No, we cannot risk this. The Americans must not get their hands on this submarine!’”

(Chapter 14, Page 459)

Ramius makes this speech to his crew when he arrives at prearranged coordinates to get the men who are not aware that he and his officers are defecting off the boat. Placing the blame of the supposed sabotage on the Americans follows the propaganda the Communist Party generates in the Soviet Union, making Ramius appear as though he is still a loyal member of the Party. This is important later in the novel when the rescued men are questioned about the events that played out on the Red October. Each man will claim Ramius was loyal to the very end and the reactor accident was real, unknowingly supporting the lies the US government fed to the Soviets.

Quotation Mark Icon

“The machinist’s mate’s left hand worked the directional propeller controls; his right was poised in the waldo glove. Now he was the only one who could see the target. Overton’s reflection was grinning at itself. His right hand moved rapidly. ‘Gotcha!’ he said. The waldo took the depth-gauge dial a diver had magnetically affixed to the Sea Cliff’s bow prior to setting out from the Austin’s dock bay.”

(Chapter 15, Page 526)

A Soviet official is onboard the Sea Cliff, a small research submarine searching the area where the USS Ethan Allen was scuttled a day or so before. The Soviet official believes he is looking at the wreckage of the Red October. To support this belief, the machinist removes a depth gauge that was magnetically attached to the side of the Sea Cliff and was taken from Red October. This furthers the motif of lies, as it is another part of the plan to lie to the Soviets and convince them Red October was destroyed so they will not attempt to recover the submarine from the Americans. It is an elaborate trick, but it works.

Quotation Mark Icon

“On the one hand, they can choose to believe that one of their most trusted professional officers has committed high treason on an unprecedented scale. You’ve seen our file on Captain Ramius. He’s the Communist version of an eagle scout, a genuine New Soviet Man. Add to that the fact that a defection conspiracy necessarily involves a number of equally trusted officers. The Soviets have a mind block against believing that individuals of this type will ever leave the Workers’ Paradise. That seems paradoxical, I admit, given the strenuous efforts they expend to keep people from leaving their country, but it’s true.”

(Chapter 16, Page 551)

Moore of the CIA explains to the president’s security advisor why the Soviets will believe the story the CIA planted through the Senator’s aid and his Soviet spy. He begins by explaining that the Soviets refuse to believe anyone would want to leave their country, especially someone like Ramius, even as they fight to keep people from leaving. This touches on the theme of Mutual Distrust between Soviet Leaders and Subordinates. It also explores the motif of lies, showing the US understood how the lies told to the Soviets would be received. Finally, this comment touches on Ramius’s appearance as the perfect party member despite his personal beliefs.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Supposedly the first thing that surprises people, people from your part of the world, is going through a supermarket.”

(Chapter 16, Page 589)

While talking to Ramius and his officer, Borodin, Ryan mentions the thing that defectors generally find the most impressive when they first arrive in America. That fact that a supermarket filled with fresh produce and meat should surprise someone speaks volumes on the lack of availability of such things in the Soviet Union. This comment connects to the theme of the differences between societies as well as the scarcities associated with life under the Communist regime.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Comrade Zampolit, it will take several minutes to approach the surface, perhaps ten or fifteen to get a message to Moscow, thirty more for Moscow to respond at all—and then they will request confirmation! An hour in all, two, three? By that time Red October will be gone. Our original orders are operative, and there is no time to contact Moscow.”

(Chapter 17, Page 608)

Tupolev, onboard the Konovalov, makes the fateful decision not to inform Moscow that he located the Red October despite news that she sank days earlier and miles away. If he informed Moscow, the entire charade the American government implemented by destroying the Ethan Allen and taking a Soviet official down to the wreckage would be exposed. It is ego on Tupolev’s part that leads to this decision, his desire to best his old teacher and prove himself to be the better Soviet officer. Tupolev knows that his career will be damaged by the actions of Ramius and he wants to prove himself a loyal party member by killing him. Unfortunately, his plan backfires, and Ramius ends up destroying the Konovalov.

Quotation Mark Icon

“The Red October rammed the Konovalov just aft of midships at a thirty-degree angle. The force of the collision ruptured the Konovalov’s titanium pressure hull and crumpled the October’s bow as if it were a beer can.”

(Chapter 17, Page 635)

Ramius takes a risk to save Red October from the Konovalov. He knows the Americans cannot fire on a Soviet submarine without provocation, and Tupolev is not stupid enough to provoke the Americans. Ramius also does not want to place the American submarines escorting Red October in danger. Therefore, he has little choice but to try to escape by slipping silently away. When that doesn’t work, Ramius does the only thing that is left to him: He rams the Konovalov and sinks her before she has a chance to begin a war or reveal the truth about the state of the Red October. It is a moment of confrontation that is foreshadowed from the opening chapters of the novel.

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