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April HenryA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
The novel is a powerful meditation on the nature of memory. Memory is not a faithful and objective recreation of an event; it is profoundly impacted by the subjective state of the person remembering. Henry approaches this complexity in the motif of “doubling.” Much as we approach a literary text as a site of the creation of meaning between the written word and the reader, meaning develops from memory through an interactive process.
One memory particularly ripe for analysis in this way is Olivia’s early memories of mommy “dancing.” As a child, without an understanding of the context, Naomi’s movements mimic dancing rather than self-defense. Later, she reenvisions this as Naomi attempting to fend off her killer. The matter is not resolved, however, as there are two other perspectives that contribute to the fullness of a memory of that event: Naomi’s and Spaulding’s. We can’t access Naomi’s, but Henry hints at its nature when Olivia finds the photo strip of Naomi and Terry making terrified faces. In that moment, Olivia wonders what the experience of the murder was like for her parents. In the car with Spaulding, she challenges his perspective by insisting that Naomi’s actions weren’t confrontation but rather self-defense. Spaulding, too, remembers the event from a specific, subjective perspective. To him, both deaths were as good as accidental. He claims that he only meant to grab Naomi to quiet her, but somehow ended up stabbing her. He also admits that she wouldn’t stop fighting him and grabbing for the knife. He sees this as support for his belief that she left him no choice; Olivia sees this as an indication that the murder was intentional—she thinks the number of stab wounds is proof of that.
Complicating that further is Sam’s earlier observation that one stab wound is all it takes. Even if your victim doesn’t die from the first wound, you’ve already stabbed them. You must now commit and stab them as many more times as it takes. If we flesh out the idea of memory as multiple, inherently partial, and heavily biased by personal experience, we can approach Henry’s depiction of memory from a more nuanced angle. If, as we know, memory is heavily influenced by the beliefs and perspectives of the memory-holder, Olivia’s other retrieved memories can be considered as influenced by her present more than retrieved intact from her past.
One theme that comes up repeatedly is Olivia’s conviction that people will put on one face (or image) in private and another in public. Much of her reasoning on this topic occurs in her consideration of the suspects and the secrets they’re keeping, but she does open the door to times that she’s done this herself while in the foster system.
She identifies this trait as both individual and community-wide in the novel. This means that both the public and the person can tell themselves or others lies to protect a preferred image or reputation. Many of these lies are told in service of the community assuring itself that it doesn’t foster a monster. Though it’s widely known that murder victims are most likely killed by someone they know, Olivia hears over and over again that it must have been someone they didn’t know: a stranger, a hitchhiker, a serial killer. Admitting to themselves that it was probably a friend or neighbor who has not only done this horrible thing but who has also successfully concealed it for years is terrifying. If it were true, it would destabilize many of the things they’d believed about themselves and the people around them.
Olivia simultaneously admits and denies her own use of this practice. She states clearly that she was complicit in this type of pretending when foster families were messier or meaner than they allowed the social workers to know. She is also quick to point it out when others around her are using this technique to misdirect or conceal aspects of their lives from their friends and family. What she does not seem as aware of, however, is the way that she performs this type of illusion works on herself.
Many people put unpleasant truths about themselves or their lives out of the line of sight and pretend they’re not really there. Olivia is a somewhat unique case in that what she’s disguising is her own loneliness and alienation. Her enforced isolation from her family created voids in the places where love should have been and forced her to cover over this lack in forming her own sense of self. Olivia’s resistance to the idea that she could mean anything to this family she doesn’t know is a form of hiding the private truth (loneliness, feelings of abandonment) from the more public image (independence, self-sufficiency).
This novel might seem less intense in its discussion of trauma, but this is a result of the distance Olivia has created between herself and her feelings. There are many examples of trauma in Olivia’s life: witnessing the murder of her mother, her own kidnapping, presumed abandonment by her killer father, the death of her grandmother, perceived rejection by her paternal family, the loss of her identity (the callous change of her name by Tamsin), rejection by this new maternal figure, a series of difficult and frightening foster homes, years spent suffering in public schools, the world-shattering news that her father was also murdered, the painful realization that her family did want her all along, Nora’s subsequent murder, a second kidnapping, being forced to run for her life through the forest her parents died in, nearly being burned alive in a raging fire, watching Duncan get shot, and nearly being shot to death herself.
Olivia has experienced all of these traumatic events in the span of 14 of her formative years. The impacts of this trauma on Olivia’s character, self-image, and worldview are dramatic. They have profoundly affected the direction of her life and her formation of an identity. The changing of her name (given to her by her murdered mother) to something that Tamsin felt was “better” was effectively as traumatic as the murders. Where Spaulding took away her mother and father, Tamsin took away Ariel’s identity and her connection to her beloved mother. She was revictimized by this trauma following Tamsin’s rejection—in forcing her to keep the new name, the foster care system alienated Olivia further from her family and tied her adoptive mother’s rejection to Olivia’s identity.
Evidence of trauma for the rest of the community is also notable in this novel, if not as developed due to the single narrative voice. Events where the community gathers are rich with lingering trauma; family and friends who believed Terry innocent all along are now confronted with validation and the finality of his death. Those who believed him to have committed the crimes experience guilt for their lack of belief along with fresh grief. The idea that one among them is a killer is also a source of trauma for the family and the wider community. Throughout the novel, trauma leaves a deep imprint on nearly all of the characters.
By April Henry