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Louann BrizendineA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Brizendine feels women can use modern scientific knowledge to plan their futures. Modern life phases have expanded, and childbirth occurs later in life and with scientific advancements, meaning phases overlap—mothers have careers and children at the same time, and they raise children while experiencing menopause. Rather than encouraging women to choose either a career or children, Brizendine suggests that an understanding of one’s neurology can mitigate lifestyle challenges. Brizendine repeats her intention to help female readers—“If we can understand how our lives are shaped by our brain chemistry, then maybe we can better see the road ahead” (208). Criticizing the idea of a unisex brain, Brizendine argues that the perception of male as “normal” and female as “other” creates discrimination. Brizendine hopes her book will help male humans adapt to the female world, rather than the other way around. Brizendine claims that while women want more joy, less stress, and rewarding relationships, these goals are difficult to achieve given the number of female responsibilities.
Brizendine finds the concepts of scientific truth and political correctness opposed to one another; she claims that she chose to focus on the former in her writing. She suggests that the 21st century will see advancements in the understanding of the female experience. The “social contract” must be rewritten: “Our future, and our children’s future, depends on it” (212).
A 2002 study found a correlation between hormone therapy use in cisgender women 64 and older, and cases of stroke, dementia, and breast cancer. This led many to question the safety of hormone therapy. Several human and non-human studies have demonstrated positive neurological effects of hormone therapy, although, at the time of writing, no direct long-term studies on the risks and benefits of hormone therapy on menopausal humans have been conducted. Other studies, including aging studies and studies on hysterectomy patients, have provided insight to the benefits and timing of hormone therapy. The contradiction between the studies that found neurological benefits and the 2002 study that found adverse effects has left the medical community in disagreement about hormone therapy.
Brizendine explores frequently asked questions regarding menopause. The first is: What happens to the brain during menopause? Menopause occurs 12 months after a female’s final period, while perimenopause spans two to nine years before. Estrogen production and sensitivity drops, which can result in various symptoms, such as pain, hot flashes, depression, and sleep issues. Symptoms often recede after menopause, but some experience symptoms lasting 10 or more years into postmenopause. Brizendine next readdresses the question of hormone therapy. She presents the idea that each person is unique and should discuss symptoms and treatment options with specialist medical professionals. Non-hormonal treatment options—such as acupuncture, exercise, and diet modification—are mentioned. Brizendine notes that progesterone should be taken with estrogen; however, progesterone also reduces the neurological benefits of estrogen.
Male and female aging processes may differ. Men experience more memory loss as they age, but postmenopausal women are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease. Estrogen therapy reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s when started early. Women also benefit from social support and physical and mental exercise. Reduced androgen and testosterone levels lower both male and female libidos. Sexual problems are among the most common postmenopausal complaints. Medical science, Brizendine argues, is largely ignorant about female sexual processes, and such sexual complaints are often dismissed by medical professionals. Supplemental testosterone can reduce sexual dysfunction, although it may not solve a lack of sexual interest and can cause side effects such as body odor and thinning hair.
Ten percent of female humans experience postpartum depression or similar conditions. Studies have linked postpartum depression to various genetic and neurological causes, such as hyperactive stress responses. Other risk factors include prior bouts of depression, high stress, and lack of support. Those with postpartum depression often report feeling overwhelmed, abandoned, and like they have lost their sense of individuality. Mothers often suppress their symptoms because postpartum depression is seen as taboo. It is important to remove the stigma associated with postpartum depression; moreover, multiple treatment options can help ease symptoms, including breastfeeding, therapy, and medical intervention.
Brizendine posits that female sexual orientation is caused by variations in the female brain, which can be influenced by life experiences. She claims gay men are twice as common as lesbians. Female sexuality appears as more of a continuum; she cites studies which purport that gay women have a higher quality of life and better self-esteem than gay men. Brizendine supports a biological determinist perspective of attraction to members of the same sex. She also discusses a study that found correlations between sexual orientation and gender identity. In the study, female humans with in-utero testosterone exposure reported more masculine play behavior as children and more attraction as adults. Brizendine also refers to several studies finding similar results between gay women and heterosexual men. While sexual orientation is presented as genetic, Brizendine argues behavioral expression is influenced by an individual’s environment.
The Epilogue and appendices expand upon topics not covered in the text, but relevant to the female brain. Brizendine reasserts her intentions, which she first announced in the introduction, explaining how the book can be useful to modern women. However, as with the rest of the test, she addresses a limited cisgender and heterosexual audience following a traditional lifestyle.
Brizendine suggests that her biological essentialism comes from her strong sense of morality and deep commitment to scientific rigor: “In writing this book I have struggled with two voices in my head—one is the scientific truth, the other is political correctness. I have chosen to emphasize scientific truth over political correctness even though scientific truths may not always be welcome” (210). This statement is intended to inspire the reader to trust Brizendine, but it is misleading and has been directly criticized as a blatant lie by Cordelia Fine, given Brizendine’s unethical manipulation of source material. The statement misrepresents the scientific process: Brizendine suggests that the studies she references are “scientific truth,” as if the conclusions she and others have drawn from individual studies are objective facts. However, in scientific research, studies and interpretations of data are not objective scientific truths until the same results are found across a breadth of scientific research, which is not the case for many of the studies cited throughout the text.
The final lines of the Epilogue are a call to action to create a more egalitarian world. Brizendine claims that female humans have been expected to adapt to masculine norms, and she argues that the world needs to be structured vice versa, too, with male humans adapting to female needs to create social change. The Epilogue thus reflects the feminist message at the core of The Female Brain, which posits that female humans have long been neglected by the patriarchy but that the oppression is surmountable.
The first appendix more deeply explores menopausal hormone therapy (HT), which was first introduced in Chapter 7. Hormone therapy is a controversial medical topic, as results from studies on such treatments are varied. As Brizendine points out, multiple studies—including those not directly aimed at studying HT in menopausal females—have found correlating positive effects, such as estrogen’s boost of the circulatory system or testosterone’s contribution to muscle and bone health. However, other studies have shown negative effects, such as the 2002 study that found an increased risk of severe medical issues. Brizendine also notes the cancer risks associated with estrogen-only therapy for people with uteruses, and the reduced benefits of estrogen when progesterone, which is necessary to combat estrogen-related cancer risks, is present. According to The North American Menopause Society (NAMS), not much has changed in regard to medical opinions on HT since the publication of The Female Brain. The medical community acknowledges both the benefits and the risks, which also include an increased risk of blood clots; they also acknowledge that not enough is known about hormone therapy. As such, each person’s risk factors and needs should be taken into consideration by a qualified medical professional, matching Brizendine’s advice (“Menopause Topics: Hormone Therapy.” NAMS).
Appendices 2 and 3 address subtopics which do not appear in the main body of the text. Although Brizendine explores depression multiple times and examines the neurological changes that result from giving birth, she does not address postpartum depression in her section on the “mommy brain.” The concept of postpartum depression does not align with Brizendine’s perspective of the neurological changes that accompany motherhood, which she presents as wholly beneficial. Brizendine acknowledges the stigma of postpartum depression, suggesting “Women are ashamed because they are expected to be so happy at the birth of their child” (236). Her emphasis on the idea that the stigma should be removed becomes unintentionally ironic, as Brizendine chooses to address postpartum symptoms only as an addendum to the book rather than incorporating the condition into her larger discussion on post-birth neurology. This positioning of the discussion makes it feels like an afterthought or an exception rather than a relatively common experience, possibly perpetuating the stigma rather than combating it.
A brief discussion on non-heterosexuality appears in the final appendix, where Brizendine supports the widely accepted view that sexual orientation is biological rather than a social construct. Although she shares a few relevant studies, Brizendine does not make declarative statements, reflecting her lack of expertise in the connection between neurology and sexual orientation. By separating queer sexuality from the larger discussion on female brains, Brizendine reinforces the idea that such individuals are other and implies that such individuals do not have “normal” female brains. Further, Brizendine plays into stereotypes and biases that suggest lesbians are all necessarily more masculinized, or that an excess of masculinity is connected to being a lesbian. Other cultural biases against the LGBTQ+ community are present, such as the erasure of bisexual men, who face a particular pressure to claim that they are either gay or heterosexual. This, along with the other biases, result in the overall text’s exclusionary tone and its perpetuation of damaging sex stereotypes.
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