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Louann BrizendineA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Sarah believed her husband, Nick, was cheating on her. She was miserable, but he did not notice until she broke out crying. Brizendine describes how Sarah might have mirrored Nick to better interpret his emotional response and how she analyzed his tone and eye movements to realize he’s lied about developing feelings for a coworker. While Sarah interpreted Nick’s emotions, Nick could not interpret hers. Brizendine states that male humans are less able to read facial expressions, while female humans can intuit the feelings of those around them—a process attributed to the increased number of cells devoted to tracking female body sensations. These gut feelings are processed in the insula and the anterior cingulate cortex, and they create an emotional response. Brizendine compares gut feelings to mind reading. For example, Jane intuited her husband’s focus on work when he had not yet noticed his own thoughts. She also intuited his plans to switch careers and become a judge. Men do not have the same gut feelings, as depicted through Evan moving too quickly for Jane’s comfort. Evan’s female friend noticed Jane’s discomfort—a skill called “emotional congruence,” which Brizendine says is inherent in female humans. In one study, female therapists mirrored patients to form emotional congruence. This capability can overwhelm some, such as Roxy, who gasped at seeing loved ones in pain, or Jane, who could not sleep after watching violent movies. Further, a study showed female brains registering pain while watching their loved ones’ hands being shocked. The author hypothesizes that emotional congruence allowed prehistoric women to sense and avoid aggressive or dangerous behavior.
Brizendine argues that men avoid emotions. Evan could not read Jane’s signals that he was moving too quickly in their relationship until Jane ran to the bathroom sick when he mentioned marriage after three weeks of dating. Brizendine posits that men get frustrated with emotional displays because they cannot interpret them easily. She discusses Simon Baron-Cohen, who believes “Asperger’s disorder” (now Autism Spectrum Disorder) is an inability to read facial expressions. Evan patted Jane’s back and told her to stop the first time she cried in front of him, which, Brizendine states, was caused by his sense of helplessness. They agreed that, when Jane needed to cry, she would lay in his lap while he distracted himself. It took years before he could comfort her without distraction.
Brizendine’s claim that female humans are better at recognizing painful emotions are supported by a study showing female babies as being more responsive to the cries of others, and a study that found that male subjects, as compared to female ones, are more uncomfortable around sad individuals. Brizendine hypothesizes that male humans do not want comfort when experiencing painful emotions. They also miss other emotional cues, Brizendine states, describing how Evan missed Jane’s hints at wanting to get married. Even when she directly stated she was ready to get married, he acknowledged her and then started watching basketball. A few hours later, she started crying, worried Evan’s love had faded. Exasperated, he explained that he was going to get a ring and plan something romantic, and then asked her to marry him. Hypothetically, Evan will remember a condensed version of these events, and Jane will feel like he is falling out of love with her.
Brizendine says male brains process emotion only on one side, while female brains use both and retain more emotional memories. Emotional perception is coordinated in the amygdala, and then processed in the cortex, where the brain determines whether it is strong enough to devote conscious energy to it. Female brains are more sensitive to emotion, Brizendine argues, because their amygdala is more sensitive; their memories are more precise because their hippocampus is larger. Male brains quickly register and remember aggressive threats and loss. Evan did not remember the details of their early relationship because he did not perceive a threat to the relationship. Brizendine also asserts that men express more anger and aggression due to their larger anger centers in the amygdala and their higher levels of testosterone. Women avoid conflict and can struggle to express anger; Brizendine suggests that they evolved an extra processing step, analogizing her hypothesis to the four-chambered stomach of cows. She argues a slower anger response may have evolved to protect female hominids from aggressive and violent males. Brizendine has seen many couples in conflict because the male partner reacts aggressively and the female partner shuts down in fear.
Sarah and Nick returned to Brizendine after fighting about Nick flirting with his coworker in front of Sarah. Sarah envisioned the destruction of her marriage and was distraught; Nick was committed to her, but seemed indifferent about her anticipatory anxiety. Female humans feel more anxiety in anticipation of potential events, and they are more susceptible to anxiety and depression, although the scientific community is uncertain as to whether the disparity is social or neurological. Brizendine supports a biological cause, discussing the connection between depression, estrogen, and two genes—CREB-1 and 5-HTT—that have been found to correlate with depression. Brizendine speculates that Sarah’s depression is genetic, as it runs in her family. Although people become better at emotional expression with age, Brizendine asserts women retain a biological advantage over men.
Sylvia told Brizendine that she wanted to divorce her husband, Robert, who was demanding and who visited only twice with questions about the household when she was in the hospital with an intestinal blockage. Sylvia was 54 and felt that she had been spending her adult life caring for self-absorbed others. She had spent 28 years as a stay-at-home wife and mother, denied the chance to work by Robert’s refusal to contribute to running the household. Brizendine states that the shift toward independence in menopausal women has been considered psychological, but she suggests that it has a neurological cause. Brizendine hypothesizes that an MRI scan of Sylvia’s brain would show her neurology was more stable. Menopause, typically occurring around 51.5 years of age, takes place a year after a female body’s last period and results in a hormonal shift of reduced estrogen and oxytocin. Sylvia wanted to help a wider range of people, and Brizendine relates Sylvia’s feelings to Oprah saying that people never arrive at a static adulthood but continue to transform throughout their lives. Female perimenopause, which begins in the early- to mid-forties, carries a 50-60% chance of symptoms of changing hormones, such as hot flashes, joint pain, and reduced libido—caused by estrogen withdrawal in the hypothalamus. Sylvia sought psychiatric care at age 47 because she was experiencing multiple mood symptoms. Brizendine prescribed an antidepressant and estrogen, which managed the symptoms. Other signs of perimenopause include shorter menstrual periods and cravings for carbs and sweets. Brizendine ignored her own symptoms of perimenopause for years, but eventually managed her symptoms with an antidepressant and estrogen, both of which influence brain function.
Marilyn and Steve went to Brizendine after Marilyn’s libido dropped significantly. Marilyn had low testosterone, so Brizendine prescribed testosterone, which increased Marilyn’s sex drive. Some women experience a higher sex drive after menopause, as they are no longer worried about birth control or their menstrual cycle. Once Sylvia’s menstrual cycle stopped, she no longer experienced PMS, and she no longer had the estrogen and oxytocin levels that primed her for caretaking, according to Brizendine. Sylvia enjoyed seeing her children when they came home for visits, but she told them to start taking care of themselves. Brizendine posits that the “mommy brain” unplugs when children move out, which allows mothers the mental capability of focusing on personal ambitions. Some mothers may have difficulty adjusting to the changing circumstances, and others may peacefully enjoy alone time with their husbands, like Lynn and Don. Sylvia chose to pursue higher education and began working in a mental health clinic part time. Maternal behavior, according to a study performed on rats, is driven by close physical contact, so Brizendine posits that Sylvia’s declining interest in her children was a result of less contact with them, along with her hormonal changes. Sylvia focused on the concept that teenage behavioral problems are rooted in early education, she resumed attending church services, and began painting again.
Sylvia and Robert attended couples therapy. Robert was upset that Sylvia was not performing her typical roles, like making dinner for him every night, and that she had embarrassed him at a social gathering by criticizing his investing knowledge. She decided to move out. In the past, Sylvia had avoided fighting with Robert, tolerated his verbal abuse, and took pride in letting him win arguments. Brizendine claims that Sylvia’s new combativeness was caused by menopause—“Her ratio of testosterone to estrogen was shifting, and her anger pathways were becoming more like a man’s” (193). Although Robert was experiencing changes, too, Sylvia’s changes were more significant. Wives who are unhappy with their husbands, Brizendine explains, may become unhappier after menopause. Sylvia’s daughter confronted Sylvia, saying Robert was worried and felt that Sylvia wasn’t the same woman he married. While the stereotype is that husbands leave their wives for younger women, 65% of divorces for those over 50 are initiated by females. Brizendine suggests menopause plays a role, but also acknowledges that this is often due to undesirable marriages. Brizendine advises individuals to examine their impulses to verify their feelings are “real, as opposed to hormone-induced” (194). Sylvia moved out and began dating, although she was frustrated with older men who wanted a financially stable partner to take care of them. Some aging women do not notice a significant change, like Marcia, who was unconcerned with her declining interest in caretaking. She experienced physical menopause symptoms and was prescribed estrogen, which brought back her caretaking proclivities. When Sylvia moved out, her mood improved, and she found fulfillment in her work. She assumed the improvement was a result of leaving Robert, but six months later she admitted to feeling lonely.
During and after menopause, female humans may benefit from careers or personal accomplishments. Studies have measured higher levels of self-acceptance and effective functioning in women in their fifties and sixties who have high career momentum. Another patient, Edith, was anxious that her husband would retire and become demanding. This is exactly what occurred: He started questioning her and implying that she should be taking care of household duties better. Brizendine tells many female patients who exhibit depression after their husbands retire to renegotiate their marriages. When taken shortly after the onset of menopause (whether natural or surgical), estrogen therapy has been shown to protect the brain, heart, and vascular system. However, at the time of the book’s publication, scientists had not yet reached a conclusion on whether or when to implement such hormone therapy.
Denise was independent while raising her children and was unprepared for the intense love she felt when she first became a grandmother. Brizendine, citing the work of Kristen Hawkes, suggests grandmothers played an important role in prehistoric society by contributing to the survival rates of their grandchildren. Many female members of hunter-gathering cultures survive past the average life expectancy of 40, remaining productive into their sixties. Widespread menopause is a recent cultural phenomenon, as the average female life expectancy in the early 20th century was 49. When Sylvia reconnected with Robert after two years, they apologized to each other and rebuilt their relationship. Brizendine suggests postmenopause is an exciting time. She explains that she wrote The Female Brain to share her knowledge and help others.
Chapter 6 deviates from the form of the others, addressing emotional differences between the sexes. It centers on Neurological Causes of Gendered Behavior, with Brizendine arguing that female brains have higher emotional perception and memory capabilities as opposed to male ones. This disparity is expressed through the two main case study relationships. Sarah detects Nick’s feelings for his coworker and his subsequent lie that he is faithful, and Jane is able to intuit Evan’s thoughts before he is aware of them. In contrast, Evan cannot interpret Jane’s emotional cues, and both he and Nick react with surprise and confusion at their partners’ intuition capabilities. Brizendine punctuates these anecdotes with a sarcastic overstatement: “To get a male brain’s emotional attention, a woman needs to do the equivalent of yelling, ‘Periscope up! Emotions coming. All hands on deck!’” (162). This comment implies a biologically determined female emotionally superiority and male inferiority.
Women are also depicted as hesitant to express anger, which is attributed to an evolved tendency to appease aggressive men—an essentialist and outdated conception of early humans. Recent research, however, suggests that early human civilizations were egalitarian rather than oppressive, and many researchers argue that the oppression of the female sex arose during the agricultural revolution (Puiu, Tibu. “Early Human Societies Were Egalitarian.” ZME Science, 2023). Anger is revisited in Chapter 7, when Brizendine asserts that Sylvia’s marital discontent is exacerbated by menopause. Numerous elements of Chapter 6 appear throughout the other chapters, demonstrating that, although the chapter diverges from discussing life stages, emotion is a critical topic in understanding female neurology and psychology. The placement of the chapter reflects the progression of the case studies rather than the flow of life stages.
The case studies reveal an implicit bias in favor of traditional, heterosexual lifestyles. Each of the female case study subjects—Sarah, Jane, Lynn, Sylvia, Marilyn—are cisgender women in heterosexual marriages. This bias is also evident in Brizendine’s numerous generalizations. For instance, the experience of menopause is described as “an exciting intellectual time now that the burden of rearing children has decreased and the preoccupation of the mommy brain is lessened” (197). This statement assumes all menopausal women are mothers and that they have sacrificed their individual pursuits while prioritizing their expected roles as a caretaker. Similarly, the statement, “Women know things about the people around them—they feel a teenage child’s distress, a husband’s flickering thoughts about his career, a friend’s happiness in achieving a goal, or a spouse’s infidelity at a gut level” (160), implies a traditional, heterosexual experience. It also posits women are inherently capable of intuiting emotions, which implies that a lack of advanced intuition skills in any given woman is abnormal or pathological. An ableist bias appears in the mentions of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) that occur throughout the text. Brizendine characterizes ASD as “the extreme male brain” in her discussion on emotion, saying that “These men become unable to look at a face, let alone read it” (165). This is a limited and outdated depiction of ASD, as are earlier notes on the disorder, such as the claim in Chapter 1 that males are eight times more likely to have ASD. New research has revealed strong biases regarding ASD, which have led symptoms in female, transgender, non-binary, and non-white individuals to often be overlooked and misunderstood. These biases result in Brizendine ignoring the lived experience of a variety of groups, including people with disabilities, non-traditional, LGBTQ+, and low-income individuals.
Several manipulative techniques appear in the last two chapters. In her research of Brizendine’s sources, Cordelia Fine discovered instances of unethically cited source material. For example, Brizendine describes a study that examined the mirroring behaviors in therapists, with the vague citation that the study was conducted at California State University, Sacramento. While Brizendine claims that “All of the therapists who showed these [mirroring] responses happened to be women” (162). Although Brizendine does not make any direct statements regarding male therapists, she implies that the study found males did not mirror their patients. Fine found that the actual study specifically only included female therapists and thus cannot be used to make any kind of conclusions about how male therapist behavior would compare (Fine, Cordelia. Delusions of Gender. W. W. Norton, 2010, p. 162).
Another manipulative technique is unnecessary gendering. For instance, the line, “Planning for the many years after menopause is a historically new option for women” (203), puts a linguistic focus on female life expectancies, thus implying that men have historically lived longer, when the opposite is true: Female life expectancy in the early 1900s was 49; male life expectancy in 1900 was around 46.5 (Bell, Felicitie C. & Michael L. Miller. “Actuarial Study No. 116.” US Social Security).
Brizendine also uses the rhetorical device hypophora—posing a question and immediately answering it. Hypophora creates a sense of credibility by first highlighting the reader’s ignorance and then supplying a logical answer. Chapter 6 opens with two questions: “Is there any truth to the cultural stereotype that women are more emotionally sensitive than men? Or that a man wouldn’t know an emotion unless it hit him in the head?” (157). These questions prime the reader for confirmation bias by reinforcing gender stereotypes. These manipulative techniques serve many purposes, including creating a relatable and enjoyable reading experience while encouraging confidence in Brizendine’s authority. However, they can also be interpreted as demonstrating an unethical lack of academic integrity.
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