57 pages • 1 hour read
George SeldenA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
A small, inch-long, shiny black cricket from the Connecticut countryside, Chester feels close ties to his tree-stump home there, where he chatted with swallows and played his music for “woodchucks and pheasants and ducks and everybody else who lives in the meadow or the brook” (133). Although accidentally displaced from his home, he comes to appreciate his new environment in New York. He’s a kind, gentle soul who cares about his friends and appreciates the kindness of others. He eats Mama Bellini’s fancy fruit and vegetable plates, for example, because he doesn’t want to hurt her feelings. Chester shows courage in his willingness to try new things and embrace different experiences in his new life in New York City, like drinking from a cup and enjoying a Chinese dinner. In addition, Chester reveals his strong moral character when he takes responsibility for eating the $2 bill and starting the newsstand fire.
Chester has exceptional musical talent and loves music. He uses his wings like a violinist to play songs of his own creation and, later, songs that humans enjoy. Chester’s wings aren’t useful for flying, but Chester tells Tucker and Harry that “I prefer music anyhow” (30). Chester uses his music to express his emotions. Chester’s music is so beautiful that it makes everyone stop to listen and relax. It also makes Chester and the Bellini family famous—but that fame comes with a price for Chester. When he loses the joy and freedom in his music, he knows that he must return to his home in Connecticut, where he belongs. Chester is a sensitive cricket and a good friend. He puts all his love into his last chirp to Mario and shows his love for Harry and Tucker by chirping from the train until they can no longer hear him.
A hard-working young boy, Mario uncomplainingly tends his family’s newsstand late nights during his summer vacation and is respectful to his parents and all the adults with whom he interacts. He’s dutiful, following his parents’ instructions at the newsstand and abiding by their decisions—even when he dislikes them, like Mama’s order to get rid of Chester after the fire.
Mario always wanted a pet, but the dog and other animals his parents promised him never materialized, so he’s thrilled when Papa says he can keep Chester. A gentle, compassionate guardian and good friend to Chester, Mario handles him with care, talks to him like an equal, and shows him new things, like teaching him to ride the subway and taking him to Chinatown. The two even play hide-and-seek and other games together. Mario is proud of Chester’s musical ability.
A loyal friend to Chester, Mario willingly plans to work extra time at his second job at a grocery store to free Chester and make up for the $2 that Chester ate. Mario is also protective when crowds of Chester’s fans get pushy and someone tries to steal Chester’s bell. Mario shows one of the most important characteristics of a good friend: He cares about Chester’s happiness. Although he loves Chester, Mario doesn’t want his friend to be unhappy and understands his need to return to his Connecticut home.
Chester thinks that Tucker is “a very excitable person—even for a mouse” (21). Tucker is chatty and sociable. He has a “squeaky laugh” and always wears “a funny but likeable expression” (144). Tucker is excited to meet his first cricket and immediately takes Chester under his wing, offering him food and a sympathetic ear. A proud New Yorker, Tucker wants to show off the city and encourages Chester to step out of his comfort zone and stay in New York. Like Chester, Tucker has a happy nature. He dances terribly but unselfconsciously and is “a carefree soul” (91).
Tucker’s favorite pastimes are scrounging and eavesdropping, and the drainpipe home he shares with Harry is filled with Tucker’s collection of scavenged odds and ends. Although Tucker admires cleanliness, it’s not something he personally strives for. Tucker is proud of his “food-getting” ability and shows his generous nature by happily sharing his food with his friends. However, Tucker has a materialistic streak: He values wealth. He admires Chester’s gilt cage, and he has painstakingly collected dropped coins for years. Tucker asserts that he’s “one mouse who knows the value of a dollar” (57). Tucker is a bit of a miser, though he calls it “economicness,” or saving. In his attitude toward money, Tucker is a lot like Mama Bellini, who counts every penny and works hard to make more. Tucker shows his love and friendship for Chester by parting with his coins to help his friend—and by supporting Chester’s decision to return home even though it makes Tucker sad.
A “huge tiger cat with gray-green eyes and black stripes along his body,” Harry defies tradition by being Tucker’s best friend (27). Harry’s calm, thoughtful personality complements Tucker’s ebullience. Harry shows how comfortable his long-time friendship is with Tucker through his wry comments about Tucker’s money-loving habits.
Harry moves as “soft and silent as a shadow” and knows all the ins and outs of the big city (58). A cultured cat, Harry appreciates music, attending outdoor chamber music concerts and even occasionally sneaking into the Metropolitan Opera House. In addition, Harry has a generous heart. He prompts Tucker to part with his life savings for their friend and unequivocally supports Chester’s talent as well as his decision to return home. Chester thinks that Harry “was really an awfully nice person” (107).
Like Papa Bellini, Harry has a lot of emotional sensitivity and listens to music with his eyes closed, in pure enjoyment. He understands Chester’s feelings, much as Papa sympathizes with Mario’s feelings: Harry recognizes that fame and lack of freedom are negatively affecting Chester and urges Chester to follow his heart. After Chester leaves, Harry gently acknowledges the emotions behind Tucker’s suggestion to visit the countryside.
Tall and a little stooped, Papa exudes a quiet kindness: “There was something resigned, but nice, about Papa” (16) Papa is a peacemaker. He dislikes conflict and tries to change the subject when arguments are brewing. Papa takes pride in the newsstand and works hard to make it a success. He stocks “nice” magazines like Musical America that he hopes will attract high-end customers even though the magazines don’t sell very well. A music lover himself, Papa adores Italian opera. Although mild-mannered, Papa has a “certain quiet tone” of voice that ends disagreements and even makes Mama concede (17).
Papa, unlike Mama, tends to look on the positive side of things. He allows Mario to keep Chester despite Mama’s objections. He stands up for Chester, and when Mama calls the cricket “a money eater” and wants to get rid of him, Papa suggests simply keeping Chester in his cage. Papa also deeply loves his family. He comforts Mama after the fire, telling her the damage wasn’t that great, showing both his love and his glass-half-full attitude. When Mario heads off to Chinatown, Papa looks after him with “a happy, hopeless expression on his face” that reflects his love for and pride in Mario, and his desire for Mario’s happiness (41).
Stubborn, decisive, and opinionated, Mama has a practical outlook on life. She knows that the newsstand is their livelihood and that it’s important for the family to work hard and make it successful. Mama, like Tucker, knows the importance of “economicness.” The narrator comments that “Although she wouldn’t have admitted it for the world, Mama felt the same way about money that Tucker Mouse did. When you had it, you had it—and you didn’t bother too much about where it came from” (73).
If Papa is the family optimist, Mama is the family pessimist. Mama doesn’t share Mario’s superstition that crickets are good luck and responds to his request to keep Chester with sarcasm and scorn. She dislikes Chester because she envisions negative effects he could have on the family and their business. Mama thinks that Chester carries germs and could make them sick—or that he’ll bring “unsavory” insects and animals into the newsstand. She thinks that Chester distracts Mario from selling newspapers. Mama’s critical predictions seemingly come true when Chester eats the $2 bill, and she feels that the newsstand fire confirms them. Mama’s censure is rooted in her protectiveness and worry for her family’s future. She fears that the fire has destroyed their means of living and is quick to blame Chester and his bad luck. Although Mama is strong willed and firm in her beliefs, she hides a softer side, which Chester taps into when he plays her favorite song: Mama gets a “dreamy” look, is affectionate to Mario, and changes her mind about Chester, showing the power of music to invoke memories and soothe worries.
Staid, dependable Mr. Smedley is a music teacher who plays piano and gives music lessons. The Bellini family’s best customer, Mr. Smedley buys his copy of Musical America routinely on the last Sunday of the month, a time when he and Papa Bellini can indulge in a conversation about their shared pleasure, Italian opera. Mr. Smedley is initially impressed with Chester’s natural chirp and introduces Mario to the story of Orpheus, which Chester comes to embody. Mr. Smedley’s prophesy that Chester will do “great things” foreshadows Chester’s fame and informs the story’s motif of good fortune.
Although initially shocked by Chester’s ability to play human music, Mr. Smedley shows that he truly “has music in his soul,” listening with wonder and awe to Chester’s repertoire (116). Mr. Smedley’s letter to the New York Times propels Chester to fame, and he shows his devotion to Chester’s music by recording Chester’s songs and helping educate the crowd in “musical appreciation.”
The elderly Chinese gentleman Sai Fong runs and lives out of an old shop at the end of an alley, where he sells everything from ivory Chinese goddesses to chopsticks—and does hand laundry. Sai Fong has a high, cricket-like voice, and when he and his old friend laugh and talk in Chinese, Mario thinks it sounds like “the cheerful clicking of hundreds of chopsticks” (78). Sai Fong smokes a long white clay pipe and often dresses in colorful attire like a silk vest with dragons on it or a blue-and-green robe decorated with water lilies and fish. Sai Fong speaks in a thick, stereotypical Chinese accent. Sai Fong and Mario become friends over their mutual interest in Chester.
Sai Fong teaches Mario the legend of the first cricket and helps him discover what Chester needs to eat to stay healthy. The fortune cookie that Sai Fong gives Mario foretells happiness and good luck—another instance of foreshadowing. Mario and Chester’s experience getting to know Sai Fong and sharing dinner with him illustrates the power of friendship to cross language and cultural barriers. Although Selden’s dated description of Sai Fong is problematic and offensive today, the message behind the character’s role in the story is friendship and inclusion.
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