
64 pages 2 hours read

Rick Rubin

The Creative Act: A Way of Being

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 2023

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Chapters 44-52Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 44 Summary: “Non-Competition”

Chapter 44 reiterates Rubin’s dictum that the aim of art is to express who the artist is in each moment. Moreover, Rubin believes that competition inhibits greatness; he finds inspiration in other artists’ work but does not seek to overtake them. Rubin uses the example of The Beach Boys’s Brian Wilson and The Beatles’s Paul McCartney. Their “creative back-and-forth” was not based on competition, but rather, on “mutual love” (239). Furthermore, self-competition should only be viewed as a step in one’s evolution as an artist. Each new project should be met with willingness to try to expand the expression of ourselves in the art.

Chapter 45 Summary: “Essence”

Chapter 45 identifies the core of artwork and its individual essence. Moreover, the essence can be derived from any number of creative elements: “the theme, the organizing principle, the artist’s point of view, the quality of the performance, the materials, the mood conveyed, or a combination” (241-42). Artists should be careful not to obscure the essence during the craft or completion phases. The goal of an artwork is to find the “simplest, most elegant way” to convey the essence of the piece (243).

Chapter 46 Summary: “Apocrypha”

Chapter 46 describes the histories and rituals about the creation of art. Rubin insists that these stories of pure fiction. The artist should accept that nobody, not even creators, knows why art is made: “Art reality is forever unknown” (248). We exist in confusion, and our goal is to survive in a world of innumerable uncertainties. Artists should not hold other artists as deities; they are normal human beings with flaws and vulnerabilities. Lastly, Rubin recommends that artists cease the pursuit of understanding an artwork’s true meaning. Instead, they should embrace the fact that “there are forces beyond our comprehension” at work (249).

Chapter 47 Summary: “Tuning Out (Undermining Voices)”

Chapter 47 explains how artists can focus on their art and ignore outside influences. First projects typically develop in the individual artist’s personal vacuum. When these projects are released, however, audiences, investors, friends, collaborators, and critics emerge. These external factors can distract the artist from true self-expression: “The key to navigating this phase of an artistic journey is learning to tune out” (254). The first step in tuning-out is to acknowledge the natural self-criticism that occurs daily. With the power of acknowledgement, artists can detach themselves from these fictional notions about their capabilities and the work. The second step is to regularly engage in this practice as part of the artistic process. Intentional focus on cultivating an awareness of inner thoughts and feelings will connect the artist to the universe and slowly divorce them from the external factors in their path to creation.

Chapter 48 Summary: “Self-Awareness”

Chapter 48 explains the importance of an intentional practice of noticing how the individual responds to the world. During childhood, our access to sensitivity is unencumbered by society, until parents, the educational system, friends, and mentors start to teach us how to obey. Rubin believes that this system is not to the artist’s benefit, as the artist’s purpose is to understand the world at large. To be self-aware is to “notice how we notice the outside world” (258). Tuning into this self-awareness allows the artist a stronger connection to the signals of the universe, which provide the seeds for artistic growth. Ironically, the cultivation of self-awareness means giving up the self. By quieting the mind, the ego loses its dominant voice, and the individual starts to realize their artificiality in the world. Thus, the true self, as with the artist, emerges in closer and closer alignment with the universe.

Chapter 49 Summary: “Right Before Our Eyes”

Chapter 49 addresses the inevitability of stagnation. Obstacles in the creative process are often the result of the artist’s lost connection to the abundance of the universe. This impasse is the perfect moment for the artist to surrender, allowing the artist to lose the preconception of value. Artists should acknowledge weaknesses in the work while continuing to move forward. Some artists feel compelled to abandon challenging work. Rubin says that this impulse is a signal to artists that the frequency to the artwork needs to change. Using any of the recommended detachment methods can awake the reader to a new revelation about the art. The source of creativity is not biased, and so artists should detach from value judgements and listen to the signs of the universe.

Chapter 50 Summary: “A Whisper Out of Time”

Chapter 50 encourages artists to notice the signs of inspiration, big or small, that motivate the artist to completion. Even the most delicate message can point the artist into a fruitful direction. These “whispers,” however, can only be heard when the mind is quiet and the “antennae sensitively tuned” (270). Meditation or other modes of quieting the mind, like walking or swimming, can subdue the inner voices and make the artist more receptive to ideas.

Chapter 51 Summary: “Expect a Surprise”

Chapter 51 says that sometimes mistakes or accidents can offer the most enlightening messages. These moments can give the art “exactly what it needs” at the perfect time (274). Surrendering to these chaotic forces can give the artist a semblance of a higher order that can be accessed to pervade their art. Although this intelligence is incomprehensible to us, we can still feel it and deploy it in the art itself.

Chapter 52 Summary: “Great Expectations”

Chapter 52 explains how artists can manage the weight of art’s potential. Artists must trust the process to manage expectations. Belief in the art itself, not the individual or the audience, allows creativity to advance. Artists need to accept and nurture this faith in the unknown during the creative processes.

Chapters 44-52 Analysis

The emphasis on harmony and collaboration during creative production mirrors Rubin’s insistence that artist’s live in harmony with the universe. Although art may involve materials to produce the work, the mystical and spiritual feeling of art is what brings the work into being. Awareness of this harmony discourages artists from trying to compete with one another, especially during collaboration. Competition shouldn’t dominate artistic motivation because it assumes winners and losers. Granted, some artists can use competition to fuel their creative pursuits, but never to undermine one’s own work or others’ work. When egos compete for dominance in the creative process, the art suffers. Conversely, detachment from the self’s investment in materiality, fame, and wealth will produce better art. The practice of detachment receives continued attention in this section of the book. As a mode of Overcoming Self-Imposed Limitations, detachment from ego allows individuals to truly express themselves through art. Therefore, a key aspect of this theme is changing perspective. In Chapter 49, “Right Before Our Eyes,” Rubin argues that altering one’s point of view can refresh interaction with The Source. Many times, perceived obstacles are messages to the artist that disassociation or change is necessary to move forward. According to Rubin, it is the self that limits the artist. External factors can distract from the art only if the individual decides to devote their mental energy to them, which is why Rubin encourages artists to cultivate awareness. By recognizing external factors that hinder creative activity, the artist can curate their ideal environments and workflow.

Obstacles as messages to pivot creative focus feature prominently in Rubin’s artistic philosophy. Likewise, in Zen Buddhist Philosophy, the moment after a period of extreme doubt often leads to kenshō, the experience of enlightenment. In Chapter 48, “Self-Awareness,” Rubin expounds on another maxim of Zen Buddhist philosophy, the concept of no-self. Like the elimination of ego in collaboration, the purpose of no-self is to help the artist attune their awareness to the universe. Rubin and Zen both recommend that quieting the mind can be achieved through meditation and physical activity. Both theories determine that the objective of no-self is to obtain a closer connection to the rhythms of the universe, or The Source.

In addition to how the ego presents obstacles to art, Rubin raises criticism over the illusions that the public has regarding artists and great work. Chapter 46, “Apocrypha,” directly challenges stories that depict artists as tortured geniuses. Moreover, he debunks the myth that great art only comes through intense moments of inspiration. While these instances can be true, he assures audiences that most great art is made through a combination of inspiration, discipline, and dedication. The past experiences for an artist matter very little in terms of greatness; it is artists who live in the present moment and take their past experiences as fuel for the creative fire that can achieve greatness. If anything, chronic, emotional pain, and turmoil can inhibit the artist if they don’t seek out community and help to alleviate their trauma. Creativity as a Way of Life requires self-awareness, which includes recognizing when help is needed.

Rubin addresses the nature of inspiration by detailing its purpose to an artist’s work. The artist cannot control inspiration. They can only try fostering creative environments to encourage and capture inspiration for the artwork. Rubin’s physical recommendations for stimulating inspired moments remains consistent throughout the book: physical activity, meditation, sunlight in nature, and cold-water immersion. Rubin doesn’t provide any evidence-based reasoning for these recommendations, relying on what he perceives as common sense. If attunement to the universe equals artistic creation, then time spent exercising the body, relaxing the mind, walking in nature, and shocking the system conditions the artist to the natural rhythms of the cosmos. These are Rubin’s methods for developing a Relationship Between the Artist and the World. Unfortunately, Rubin doesn’t elaborate beyond this reason, so the text lacks a coherent explanation about how these activities support creativity in precise terms. Nevertheless, Rubin says that not everything he writes is fact-based. Throughout the book, Rubin’s subjective experiences supplant evidence-based scholarship because art exceeds the limits of logic and reason.

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