79 pages • 2 hours read
Brandon SandersonA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Most of Oathbringer’s characters do not know where they belong. They wrestle with duty, the expectations from within and without, and the needs that arise from circumstances beyond their control. Their conflicts illustrate the importance of community and understanding with others. Even Jasnah, who has historically accepted her status as an outsider to Alethi society, struggles to adapt to the changes that occur following her near-assassination and escape through Shadesmar. She admits to Shallan that the changes during her absence, particularly related to the research she conducted to convince others of the coming Desolation, disorient her: “I understand so very little” (349). Despite her uncertainty upon her return, Jasnah is one of the most self-confident characters in the series. She accepts her role as an outsider and chooses who she will be for herself. She warns Dalinar, as he pulls away from the strictures of society, that people will try “to define you by something you are not. Do not let them” (401). She even understands the value of choosing a community to belong to more so than her family and friends. She observes Renarin and thinks to herself that “[y]ou can’t spend forever floating between worlds […]. Eventually you’ll need to decide where you want to belong. Life was so much harder, but potentially so much more fulfilling, when you found the courage to choose” (521). Jasnah chooses her own path, and she feels it is where she belongs. Her loved ones, however, struggle to find the same sense of belonging.
These characters all feel isolated without realizing that they have those feelings in common. Kaladin holds himself apart from others. He finds community with Bridge Four but distances himself when he obsesses over protection for everyone but himself. Bridge Four is a community that accepts outsiders, including Renarin and Rlain. Rlain struggles the most due to his status as a listener and thus a reminder of the enemy. Rlain’s single chapter reveals how Rock brings together the group by reminding them all that they can feel alone together. It also shows that Rlain eschews that sense of belonging due to his race.
Shallan and Adolin, like Bridge Four, realize that they can support one another through their struggles which cultivates their sense of belonging with one another. Adolin feels outpaced and unworthy in the new world of Radiants with mystical powers and great leaders like his father; in Shadesmar, he realizes he “knew so little, and felt so overwhelmed. So insignificant” (884). He does not believe he can live up to his father’s expectations. He doesn’t truly comprehend the long journey Dalinar traveled to become who he is. Shallan struggles with her identity, as well. She moves between personas with little control and struggles with what she truly wants from life. Multiple times she thinks, “And Shallan…what did Shallan want again? Did it matter? Why bother worrying about her?” (733). What she comes to value about Adolin, however, is how he recognizes and supports her authentic self. They truly see one another and each acts as the other’s rock in a sea of uncertainty. Neither overcomes their inner struggle in Oathbringer or even in the sequel, Rhythm of War, but the sense of belonging they gain helps anchor them and ease the pangs of loneliness that accompany their struggles. Not all the characters gain this sense of belonging in the novel, but their attempts to find it reveal just how vital a thing belonging is.
Oathbringer illustrates the pains and struggles of personal growth and highlights its importance and rewards. The rapidly changing world challenges all of the characters, as do the changes in their inner selves as they work to become better people. Adolin, for example, struggles to discover his place in a world where mystical powers now manifest in others. Shallan feels despair when her efforts at change, whether within herself or for the sake of others, fail. Wit, essentially the king’s jester but also a nearly god-like being, reminds Shallan that failure is part of life: “The longer you live, the more you fail. Failure is the mark of a life well lived. In turn, the only way to live without failure is to be of no use to anyone” (789).
Even though all of the characters work on their personal growth in Oathbringer, many of them are young and thus have only recently started down that path. The primary illustrator of both the pains and rewards of personal growth is Dalinar, now a middle-aged man, who spent years on the path of personal growth. The novel examines Dalinar’s journey, revealing his arc from a brutal warlord—about whom his first wife Evi said, “I see beauty in you, Dalinar Kholin. I see a great man struggling against a terrible one” (703)—to an upright, honor-obsessed man who leads the Alethi and seeks the unification of Roshar for its salvation. More importantly, the events of the novel reveal the full extent of the journey to Dalinar himself as memories of Evi and his involvement in her death return to him.
Dalinar dislikes change in his early years. He disdains his brother’s movement toward politics and away from brutal conquest after several years of fighting. He feels left behind and unable to adapt. When he returns to fighting, however, he learns the value of responsibility and finds contentment in activities other than fighting. Evi’s death, and his contribution to it, drives Dalinar to drink excessively. His chance to change comes when Cultivation offers to remove his memories of Evi for a time. Even without those memories, Dalinar still struggles with his near-betrayal of Gavilar and with a desire for alcohol, but his burdens and shame are lifted just enough to allow him time and space for growth. As Cultivation tells him, “I CONTROL ALL THINGS THAT CAN BE GROWN, NURTURED. THAT INCLUDES THE THORNS” (1079). Dalinar killed many and committed shameful acts, but he embraces the opportunity to grow and become a better man. The opportunity Cultivation gives him to grow without the burden of shame primes Dalinar to face his sins once they return to his memory. This gives him the strength with which he defies Odium’s control. He says, “I did kill the people of Rathelas […] I made the choice […] I killed her. It hurts so much, but I did it. I accept that. […] If I pretend I didn’t do those things, it means that I can’t have grown to become someone else” (1134-35). Acceptance of his past allows Dalinar to make peace with himself and acknowledge the personal growth he worked so hard to accomplish.
In times of rapid change, some cling to tradition and the status quo to maintain a sense of stability, while others challenge norms that are no longer useful to them or that create dangerous conflicts during times of strife. Oathbringer reveals the efforts, pains, and joys of the latter, illustrating the importance of pushing back against tradition while also showing it due respect. Part 1 contains a continuous, although at first unknown, reminder of how one of the characters challenges cultural and religious norms: each of the epigraphs for the chapters in Part 1 are quotes from the book Oathbringer, which Dalinar begins to write at the very end of Part 5. Vorin tradition (the traditions of the church followed by the Alethi and many other nations) holds that only women or ardents (priest-like figures) should learn to write and study, so culturally, scholarship became a female art while war and other related callings became male arts. Dalinar himself acknowledges how the book would be seen: “I’m certain some will feel threatened by this record. Some few may feel liberated. Most will simply feel that it should not exist” (29).
By learning to write after the battle at Thaylen City, and choosing to write a book that will be disseminated, Dalinar breaks with tradition and the religion of his people. This, combined with his public assertions that, according to his visions, the Vorin god (Honor) is dead, led to the church’s view of Dalinar as a heretic and his eventual excommunication from the church. Despite this, Dalinar insists on promoting the truths he learned, and as he recognizes the church is now based on a god who no longer lives, he rejects some church teachings, like the division of “arts” and callings into male and female ones. He does, however, continue to show respect to the religion and those who follow or serve within it. This invites debate from his ardents but also maintains their positions of authority and respect. Dalinar even dares to marry Navani, who, as his brother’s widow, is considered his sister under Vorin law; he is forbidden to marry her, but he does so anyway.
Dalinar is not the only person who breaks with tradition and defies norms. Renarin spends much of his life trying to live up to the ideals of the male art of war, but in Oathbringer, he allows himself to reveal his interest in scholarship. As a male who has not pursued the life of an ardent, he makes others uncomfortable with his visible break with tradition, particularly when he attends a meeting of scholars. This in turn makes Renarin uneasy, especially when a lighteyed woman mocks him. The Kholins and their close network of loved ones step in to support him. Shallan chastises the woman who mocked Renarin, and Dalinar enters the meeting shortly thereafter. The support for Renarin’s choice forces the scholars to deal with their discomfort at having men join their discussions. The status quo shifts in tiny increments.
Challenges to norms work in the other direction, as well, as women like Shallan and Jasnah become Radiants, with immediate access to Shardblades through their spren. This makes some people uncomfortable, as women do not fight in Alethi culture; the closest women can get to the battlefield is to either act as a husband’s scribe or become a scout, relaying messages. When Shallan and Jasnah’s powers become common knowledge, other women seek similar access to the art of war, with women like Lyn the scout joining Kaladin’s Windrunners and learning to fight. Even Adolin insists on training Shallan, pushing himself to defy the rules he has been taught in order to support her: “I know it’s not feminine, but who cares? You’ve got a sword; you should know how to use it, and custom can go to Damnation. There, I said it” (160). The Kholins—Dalinar, Navani, Jasnah, Adolin, and Renarin—and Shallan, a member of their inner circle, regularly defy tradition where necessary. They endure the consequences while they reap the benefits.
By Brandon Sanderson
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