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Jocko Willink, Leif BabinA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
The US Army in Ramadi adopts a policy of “Seize, Clear, Hold, Build” (110). This means they and Iraqi troops, backed by tanks and armored troop carriers, penetrate enemy areas, push out insurgents, build outposts, then do it again. In support of this operation and to protect street patrols, Babin’s SEAL platoon places “sniper overwatch” teams who, often from hundreds of yards away, repel enemy soldiers moving in on coalition forces. Other SEALs on the ground work with Iraqi troops to clear areas. Neighborhoods must be secured building by building, a dangerous, usually daytime operation that involves defeating insurgents while protecting civilians.
Before dawn, Babin’s sniper team and its Iraqi support troops, called Overwatch Position 2 or OP2, depart on foot for a two-story house east of the day’s main operation. The building’s rooftop firing positions are exposed; Babin arranges team members to protect the snipers. As the first call to prayer echoes through the streets, Willink’s SEAL team, OP1, moves out alongside Army troops. Babin’s Overwatch detects enemy soldiers moving toward the main force and takes them out; they also deter later, similar attempts. With the first bullets fired, the enemy locates Babin’s group and soon shoots sporadically at them, but within two hours, the main operation has cleared another neighborhood with no US or Iraqi soldiers wounded.
The main force returns to base, but Babin’s unit must lay low until nightfall. The enemy will likely focus on them later in the day. They could call for extraction by Bradley Fighting troop carriers, but that would take time and expose the carriers to the risk of IEDs. Babin decides that moving out on foot is the least-costly decision.
Babin’s group moves quickly back through crowded daytime streets; every rooftop and window and gate and trash pile is a threat. They use the Cover and Move technique by taking turns guarding each other as they leapfrog forward. For the first few hundred yards, all goes well; then enemy soldiers open up on the unit’s rear. The SEALs reply with withering fire and grenades, backing up until they reach a street corner. They make the turn and run the rest of the distance to safety. No one on their team is injured.
Back at base, the platoon chief scolds Babin for moving through the city without using the covering firepower of OP1, whose snipers, though far from OP2, could easily have guarded their retreat. Babin realizes that, in the tension of quick decision-making, he completely forgot that option. OP2 had been lucky; they failed to use the available resource of a nearby team’s ready assistance. Babin never forgets the lesson.
Teams within a business firm can get so focused on their own problems that they forget to coordinate with other teams that can help them. Sometimes teams compete instead of cooperating, or they blame each other when problems arise. When, instead, leaders focus on the overall mission and coordinate for mutual support, everyone benefits.
Willink and Babin consult with one company whose manufacturing arm suffers costly downtimes that they blame on a subsidiary firm. Babin asks how the manufacturing arm can help the subsidiary; the manager replies that their performance isn’t his problem. Babin says, “It sounds like they are your problem” (124). He points out that everyone involved works for the same corporation; the enemy isn’t inside the corporate walls but outside, in the form of competitors.
The manager needs to work with, not against, the subsidiary as part of the overall mission of the corporation. He can coordinate with them, find out what they need that his group can provide to improve their performance. “Make them a part of your team, not an excuse for your team” (125). The manager’s attitude shifts, and within months his and the subsidiary group coordinate to improve their performance from laggards to industry leaders.
Babin’s Charlie Platoon launches an attack one evening during a coordinated mission to establish a base deep in enemy territory. They take command of a building complex and turn it over to US Army forces that quickly line the outpost with concrete barriers and concertina wire while al Qaeda soldiers fire on them. Early the next morning, 120mm enemy mortar shells land on the new outpost, wounding several US soldiers and killing one.
The Army lieutenant who’d been training an Iraqi unit proposes that it patrol several neighborhoods held by different US units, but Willink knows the new officer doesn’t realize the danger. Willink points out that this will require complex coordination and could strand the patrol on streets that aren’t yet cleared of IEDs. Instead, he proposes a shorter shakedown patrol within their new area; disappointed, the lieutenant complies.
The soldiers prepare for the patrol. Willink warns the lieutenant, “You are going to get contacted out there. It will happen quick. Stay sharp. Understand?” (135-36). Accompanied by a Platoon Charlie SEAL squad, and protected by Babin’s overwatch snipers, the patrol sets out. It takes only 12 minutes for shooting to start up. By radio, Willink confirms that two friendlies are wounded and the entire patrol is holed up in a building mapped as J51. They request evacuation. Quickly, Willink coordinates with an Army armored unit that sends two tanks and a troop carrier to rescue the patrol.
SEAL sniper fire pushes back the enemy assault on J51 as the armored units arrive. Two Iraqi soldiers suffer wounds—one is abandoned on the street by panicky fellows and must be rescued by SEALs—but the patrol escapes the building and, bracketed by tanks, makes it back to base. One Iraqi soldier dies of his wounds.
Willink thanks the patrol’s accompanying SEAL team leader for his quick, calm leadership. The lieutenant in charge of the Iraqi squad is shaken; he realizes that had they tried the much more complex patrol he’d wanted, most of them likely would have died.
Complex projects can be tempting, but in real life, they collapse under the pressure of things that always go wrong. Simplicity is vital to the success of a mission, whether on the battlefield or in the competitive world of business. The leader also must be sure to communicate clearly so that the lowest-ranking team member completely understands the mission. To enhance this, leaders must make it easy for frontline members to ask for clarification.
At one company, Willink finds that manufacturing workers get bonuses but don’t understand why. The manager and chief engineer complain that line workers simply aren’t taking advantage of the bonus system. Willink asks the leaders to explain their incentive plan; they describe an extremely complex system that assigns values to different products being assembled, values that are adjusted constantly for changes in each product’s demand. The bonuses are further adjusted for the number of workers who qualify for bonuses each month and for the number of quality issues that occur with each worker.
The managers “were so close to the bonus plan, so emotional and passionate about it, that they didn’t recognize the vast complexity of it” (143). Willink points out that the workers don’t understand it and therefore can’t adjust their behavior to its intricacies. If instead, the managers keep the program simple, line workers will be able to adjust their behavior to improve productivity.
The managers re-engineer the incentive plan to include only two variables: quality and current demand. Weighted demand is adjusted weekly and posted on a bulletin board. Productivity goes up immediately. (The weakest workers, who’d slowed down the others, are let go.) The success of the incentive plan hinges, then, on simplicity.
Babin’s SEAL platoon regularly ventures deep into enemy territory and fierce fighting. The “Big Tough Frogmen” take pride in engaging in each “Big Mix-It-Up” and then return to base for “Big Chow” (151). Their job is to show the enemy that a given neighborhood belongs not to them but to coalition forces.
On this day, their four-story lookout takes heavy damage intermittently throughout the day, but it holds while SEALs fire back with devastating accuracy. Iraqi support troops, by now less panicky, also return fire ably. At nightfall, the attacks cease, and the SEALs and Iraqis prepare to depart. They discover a suspicious package lying against the wall at the bottom of their stairway exit, so they take a sledgehammer to another wall and exit through the hole to the roof next door. They also prepare to set off the IED package downstairs so it won’t hurt future US troops.
The rooftop is an exposed position, so they prepare to exit quickly. In the darkness, one SEAL steps onto a tarp over a roof hole, falls through, and lands, groaning, 20 feet below. The IED is about to blow, and enemy troops will soon close in. Babin’s team is in a fix.
From long training, Babin remains calm and remembers one of the Laws of Combat, “Prioritize and Execute” (158). He chooses the most urgent thing to do first: “Set security!” SEALs quickly shift into defensive rooftop positions. The next priority is opening the locked gate to a stairway access to the street; after that is “Head count” to make sure everyone’s there. Then, “Let’s move,” and quickly the men get downstairs, set up street positions, and retrieve the downed SEAL. As they move away along the street, the IED explodes, and shrapnel flies through the air, but everyone is fine. The SEAL who fell through the roof landed on his rucksack and suffers only a bad elbow laceration.
The informal version of “Prioritize and Execute” I “Relax, look around, make a call” (161). It’s how good leaders and their teams respond to situations where a lot of bad things happen at once. When time runs short during a business crisis, prioritizing becomes important. It’s also wise to anticipate and plan for crises, organizing teams around likely scenarios; when problems suddenly multiply, team members can respond to the most important issues without waiting for instructions.
During an emergency, leaders might be tempted to focus on small details, but they should instead step back and look at the big picture. Everyone should stay flexible so they don’t fixate on one problem when another rises to take first priority.
The CEO of a pharmaceutical company, facing a revenue crisis, makes plans to launch new product lines, inaugurate a new training program, set up new distribution centers, enter the lab-equipment market, revamp the company website, refurbish the sales force, and start a new compensation plan. Willink asks which is most important; the CEO points to the sales force. Willink asks what would happen if the company focuses for a few months on supporting only that task before tackling the other problems; the CEO admits that it would help a lot.
The entire company rallies around the sales force: Marketing develops new brochures, sales revamps its scheduling goals, labs offer tours, and so on. Prioritization works its magic, and revenues rise.
Willink can’t be everywhere at once, so he trains his men carefully to lead missions independently. After weeks of experience in Ramadi, they become more capable, and he trusts them to make good decisions. This frees him to focus on strategy and coordinating forces.
Such trust takes time, and Willink’s teams first practice for months at the Navy’s Fort Knox facility, where a mini-city of buildings simulates urban situations the SEALs will encounter in Iraq. Trainers put trainees under constant pressure; they cheat and do whatever they can to rattle the trainees, especially the leaders. At first, leaders try to over-control the situation; over time, though, they learn to communicate the purpose of a mission and delegate the details to team members. Thus, a platoon commander focuses on his two squad leaders and platoon chief; they focus on their fire team leaders, who, in turn, manage four shooters each. Willink need only think about his platoon commanders. Rather than adding to the chaos of battle, this system, based on a common understanding of mission goals, tends to keep operations running smoothly.
Early in their deployment, Willink’s SEALs suffer their first casualties. Marc Lee is shot dead; Ryan Job is blinded by a bullet and, years later, dies during corrective surgery; Babin is shot in the back but continues fighting.
Later, the SEALs return to this area. Willink’s two platoons make their way to pre-selected buildings, where they set up positions that support each other and target the most enemy routes possible. They have leave to make adjustments on the fly. Platoon Delta finds that its building won’t do, and they call Willink to inform him of their decision to move to a better building, number 94 on the map, located nearby. Willink confirms this, and Army and Marine forces are notified.
As the main units move in to establish a new fort, reports trickle in on enemy movements, including a report of a rooftop sniper nest. The enemy deploys its own snipers who, though not as good as SEAL team members, can cause trouble; some recent coalition casualties are from mujahideen snipers. The SEALs would love to eliminate these opponents, but a Bradley Fighting vehicle is brought in for the job. Willink and his team double- and triple-check the location to make sure the sniper nest isn’t actually the new Platoon Delta SEAL position. The nest is confirmed to be on another rooftop.
Just to be sure, Willink asks the armored company commander to have the Bradley crew count the buildings between his vehicle and the sniper nest. Reluctantly, the Bradley officer does so, then reports back that his team miscounted their initial sighting and that the sniper nest is atop building 94. They’ve sighted directly on the SEAL team. The division commander orders them to hold their fire, and a catastrophe is averted. Because Willink was free to focus on the big picture, he noticed something amiss.
No one can manage dozens or hundreds of people. Instead, they manage group leaders, who manage leaders of sub-groups. Importantly, “Every tactical-level team leader must understand not just what to do but why they are doing it” (183), and this closely connects to a leader’s ability to believe in the mission, as discussed in Chapter 3. Communication also is vital to keep everyone apprised of changes and keep their situational awareness up to date.
It’s important that leaders in any occupation not get so far ahead of their people that they perform all the detailed work of front-line team members; equally important is that they don’t fall so far behind their advance teams that they no longer know what’s going on. Standing somewhere in the middle maximizes their awareness and flexibility.
Willink consults with a financial services company, whose CEO shows him an organizational chart of the firm’s far-flung operations. Some branch managers run three people, some as many as 22. The CEO admits that the heads of large branches don’t perform as well once they manage dozens of people. Even at the small, under-financed branches, managers tend to do much of the work that an underling would do.
Willink explains to the CEO that military units tend to organize around fire teams of four to six people. Team leaders report to higher-level officers, and groups of those officers in turn report still higher up. At every level, leaders deal with four to six personnel. A communication handed down from the top is expressed as “simple, clear, concise orders” (189), including why it’s to be done that way, so it doesn’t get distorted while passing down the chain of command. Thus, all decisions by lower-level leaders remain consistent with the general goal.
This system isn’t easy, and it requires a lot of trust. Trust requires that leaders communicate well, allow their juniors to make mistakes while learning, and support them when they act.
Part 2 focuses on the four Laws of Combat: Cover and Move, Simple, Prioritize and Execute, and Decentralized Command. These principles apply to any leadership situation in wartime or in the trenches of business competition.
The Law of Combat least likely to be understood as a business principle is Cover and Move. It may seem unclear how a SEAL team’s systematic movement through enemy territory translates into a battle for business market share.
The answer is that “Cover and Move means teamwork” (121). If a company’s divisions go their own way during a campaign, or, worse, compete against each other, their efforts are likely to get shot down by marketplace opponents. When divisions work together, they can take turns launching volleys—R&D gets the jump on the competition, then marketing fires off a fresh publicity campaign, then production releases the first version of a new product, and so forth. The various divisions protect each other as they advance down the mean streets of a ruthlessly competitive marketplace.
During the battle, keeping things simple can save lives. In Chapter 6, Willink describes a straightforward patrol through recently taken territory that quickly spirals out of control. His point is that the best laid plans often go awry and that complicated missions fall apart even faster. General Norman Schwarzkopf, who led the coalition that removed Saddam Hussein’s forces from Kuwait during the 1991 Gulf War, commented wryly:
Analysts write about war as if it’s a ballet […] like it’s choreographed ahead of time, and when the orchestra strikes up and starts playing, everyone goes out there and plays a set piece […] what happens is, the orchestra starts playing and some son of a bitch climbs out of the orchestra pit with a bayonet and starts chasing you around the stage. And the choreography goes right out the window (William M Arkin, “Will ‘Shock and Awe’ Be Sufficient?” Los Angeles Times, 16 March 2003).
Simple plans are better because they’ll get more complicated by circumstances, and too much complexity in the original plan will lead to chaos during execution.
In Chapter 7, “Prioritize and Execute,” Babin mentions Willink’s advice for a crisis: “Relax, look around, make a call” (161). This is an informal, easy-to-remember version of a military technique called the OODA Loop. Originally designed by an Air Force colonel to help fighter pilots think faster than their opponents, the OODA Loop—”observe, orient, decide, act”—has proven useful in all sorts of battles, from wartime to the courtroom and the boardroom. Used properly, it can be run continuously, over and over, to help people stay calm, organized, and effective during a crisis. (For more information, see “OODA Loop” in “Further Reading and Resources” below.)
Though readers may forget the specifics of the Laws of Combat, they can remember that each Law is an application of the more general principle of Extreme Ownership. Once that concept is thoroughly understood, the Laws and other ideas presented in the book fall into place.