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While the play depicts a society in which social mobility is increasingly possible, this mobility heightens class tension between the play’s upper-class and middle-class characters. Characters can climb the social ladder, but there are still deeply entrenched class divisions and prejudices. This theme mainly manifests in the tension between Arden and Mosby, though it is also evident between Alice and Mosby, as well as between Arden, Greene, and Reede.
Arden is “by birth a gentleman of blood” (1.36), whereas Mosby is a tailor who has risen to become the steward of a gentleman’s house. The class tension between Arden and Mosby is evident insofar as Arden uses it to degrade Mosby when he sees him as a competitor for Alice’s love. Arden can socialize in a friendly manner with Mosby when they are getting along. He even invites Mosby to his house on the night when he is eventually murdered. When he is at odds with Mosby, however, he mocks his profession to his face and behind his back. Arden is more insulted by the fact that Alice is having an affair with a former tailor than he is by her having an affair in general. Confronting Mosby, he says, “Villain, what makes thou in her company? / She’s no companion for so base a groom” (1.304-305). By labeling Mosby a villain, Arden makes clear that Mosby has socially transgressed. His next words elaborate on the nature of his transgression: Mosby is too “base” for Alice’s company. Calling someone “base” is a frequent descriptor in early modern literature that indicates low-born status. Though Mosby has risen from his previous status as a tradesman, he cannot escape his low birth.
Alice, too, mobilizes class against Mosby when they are at odds. When Mosby feigns annoyance to test Alice’s love, she calls him a “base peasant” and asks him how he can hope to match with her, who is “descended of a noble house / And matched already with a gentleman / Whose servant thou may’st be” (1.202-204). Not only does Alice compare Mosby’s social status to Arden’s, but in doing so she uses the informal “you” of Elizabethan England: “thou.” While this form of address can indicate familiarity or intimacy, it can also denote social inferiority. Alice only ever uses this form when she addresses Mosby. It is a pointed comment on his social class.
Arden despises Mosby for climbing from tailor to steward due to his “servile flattery and fawning” (1.28), but Arden has benefitted from this same system of social mobility. Though Arden hasn’t changed ranks as drastically as Mosby, he benefitted enormously from his proximity to King Edward VI through Franklin. It is due to this closeness that Arden is enriched with the letters patent for Faversham Abbey, “sealed and subscribed with [the Duke of Somerset’s] name and the king’s” (1.6). This enrichment comes at the expense of both Greene and Reede, who also have claims to the abbey. Greene tells Alice that “your husband doth me wrong / To wring from me what little land I have” (1.470-471). Greene is poorer than Arden and his livelihood, and therefore life, is tied to Faversham Abbey, which Arden feels no guilt in taking. Arden similarly feels no guilt toward Reede, who claims that Arden “wrongfully detain[s]” the abbey lands from him. Reede says that though the income from the land is small, “yet will it help my wife and children” (13.15). Like Greene, Reede’s livelihood has been taken from him by Arden, who uses it to bolster his wealth and power.
Class tensions exist amid social mobility throughout the text. Upper-class characters like Arden and Alice weaponize their nobility in moments when it suits them against characters they deem as “base,” like Mosby. Whether they realize it or not, they carry entrenched prejudice against the lower classes. Arden, for instance, has climbed the social ladder at the expense of the livelihood of those far less well-off than he is, which he does not see as a problem. Yet when he sees this behavior in Mosby, his class prejudices emerge.
Almost every character in the play compromises morality to facilitate their material gain. Michael, Clarke, Alice, and Mosby want to kill Arden to marry the person they love; Greene wants to kill Arden for the ownership of Faversham Abbey; Arden disenfranchises those less well-off than he to accumulate wealth; Will and Shakebag want to kill Arden for money.
Michael and Clarke are both drawn into the murder plot because of their desire to marry Susan. They are promised Susan’s hand by Alice and Mosby respectively. In exchange, Michael promises to work with Greene, Will, and Shakebag to arrange Arden’s murder, and Clarke gives Alice and Mosby poison. Though Michael experiences “conflicting thoughts” about his role in the murder, Clarke is more blasé about his participation. When Alice laments that the reason she and Mosby need Clarke’s poison cannot be kept secret from him, Clarke assures her that she is wrong to doubt him and that she shows “a noble mind” for risking everything for love (1.269). He notes that what motivates his immoral actions and what motivates Alice’s—to be with the person they love—are not that different.
Alice and Mosby want to kill Arden to be together. They constantly reiterate their purpose, such as in Scene 1 when Alice says that “[Arden’s] time is but short; / For, if [Mosby] beest as resolute as I, / We’ll have him murdered as he walks the streets” (1.441-443). Mosby is more committed to individual gain than Alice is. While Alice never seriously contemplates betraying Mosby until after Arden’s death, when she expresses profound guilt for her actions, Mosby preemptively considers killing Alice to “cleanly rid my hands of her” (8.43).
Greene’s motivation for murder is to receive the land of Faversham Abbey, which he believes Arden has unfairly obtained from him. He tells Alice that “I would rather die than lose my land (1.518), and so will gain it back by killing Arden or die trying. However, it is Reede whom Arden truly wronged. Arden gained what he owns by disenfranchising others. It appears that this reputation is widespread among Faversham’s lower class. The sailor who travels with Reede believes that his planned appeal to Arden “is to little end,” as Arden will never “part from anything [that] may do [Dick] good” (13.1, 3). Franklin’s words in the Epilogue confirm that Arden’s immoral acts for individual gain are a key concern of the play.
Finally, Will and Shakebag are motivated to commit murder by their desire for gold. When Greene hires them, Will says, “Give me the money, and I’ll stab him as / he stands pissing against a wall” (2.93-94). Stabbing someone in the back is seen as a duplicitous and dishonorable act; Will does not care about morals as he is only interested in money. Shakebag, too, is motivated primarily by money. As various characters stab Arden, they list their reason for doing so. When it is Shakebag’s turn, he says, “there’s for the ten pounds in my sleeve” (14.230), making it clear that he will commit a serious act of immorality for monetary gain alone. While this theme is vital for the plot of the play, it is not condoned. Every character who exhibits immorality for individual gain is dead by the end of the play.
Alice has no qualms about exercising her sexuality and her autonomy where she can. As a result, her behavior is a source of distress to Arden and eventually to Mosby. Ironically, Alice’s pursuit of autonomy leads her to repress and subjugate the only other female character in the play, Susan.
Alice uses her passionate history with Arden to fool him into thinking she is faithful; she simultaneously uses her current passion for Mosby to soothe his paranoia about her affections. In this way, she uses her sexuality to manipulate others and gain greater autonomy. In this period, the oath of marriage was supposed to control sexuality by limiting it to one other person. Arden, for instance, is worried that Mosby seeks “[t]o violate [his] dear wife’s chastity” (1.38). Alice refuses to capitulate to this social norm. Violating her marriage vows is a way to gain control of her life within the patriarchal social structures of early modern England. Alice makes this association explicit when she asks Mosby, “[w]hat hath [Arden] to do with thee, my love? / Or govern me that am to rule myself?” (10.84-85). Though she desires to govern herself, her sexual expression is one of the only ways she may do so.
Since Alice’s exercising of sexuality and autonomy constitutes a social transgression, both Arden and Mosby express anxiety over her actions. Arden tells Franklin that due to her “wanton thoughts” Alice “is rooted in her wickedness / Perverse and stubborn, not to be reclaimed” (4.9-10). Arden fears that Alice’s errant sexuality has made her beyond redemption. Mosby, too, eventually grows to fear Alice’s autonomous behavior, as reflected through her sexuality. Mosby notes that Alice has supplanted Arden for him and so is likely to supplant him for her next lover: “’Tis fearful sleeping in a serpent’s bed, / And I will cleanly rid my hands of her” (8.43-44). The serpent, associated with Eve and feminine temptation, often symbolizes a woman’s corruption of a man typically through sexuality. Even though both men have loved Alice before, they both fear her sexual autonomy and the social transgression it represents.
Since Alice wields her sexuality as a tool of autonomy, it is ironic that she exercises total control over Susan’s marriage prospects. Though Alice rebels against her marriage vows, she knows the power of them, as she promises Susan’s hand in marriage to both Clarke and Michael in exchange for their help in murdering Arden. She uses Susan as a pawn in her schemes and is careless about involving her in cleaning up the murder. When Michael questions Alice’s intention to carry out the murder where Susan will have no choice but to be involved, Alice dismissively says that “[Susan]’ll be as secret as ourselves” (14.158). She continues to use Susan for her advantage and disparages Susan’s attempts to apply logic to their decisions. She calls Susan a “fool” for worrying about their footprints in the snow. This ends up being a key piece of evidence against Alice; if she had respected Susan’s worries, their fate may have been different. Alice both exercises her sexuality to gain autonomy and denies and disparages the autonomy of the only other woman in the play.
By Anonymous