
42 pages 1 hour read

Jonathan Swift

A Tale Of A Tub

Fiction | Novella | Adult | Published in 1704

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Chapters 10-13Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 10 Summary: “Section V. – A Digression in the Modern Kind”

Authors wouldn’t be remembered if their work wasn’t “highly serviceable to the general good of mankind” (89). Indeed, the narrator has found that the public good works as both “instruction and diversion” (90). There is a better advantage in diversion because humans spend a lot of time being lazy, whereas there seems to be little left in the universe to teach. In fact, modern thinkers and writers have made readers forget the ancients. The narrator wonders why we cannot put what is known into one “small portable volume of all things” (91) so that it is accessible to all. However, he notes that one author did attempt this. A philosopher from an imaginary island called O-Brazile suggested a nostrum that would put into words a theory to fix social ills: “It [would] dilate itself about the brain (where there is any)” (91) and allow the taker to think of abstracts and collections, and to write them down. 

The narrator moves on to discuss Homer, who he finds subpar. Homer’s writing did not have a useful structure, he states. He stresses the fact that Homer had zero knowledge of England’s laws or of the doctrine encompassing the Church of England. Even his friend, William Wotton, a Bachelor of Divinity who was also a classicist and linguist, has highlighted the shortcomings of the ancients in his book—a tome that shows his wit and “sublime discoveries upon the subject of flies and spittle,” as well as a “laborious eloquence of style” (93). With the mention of Wotton, the narrator takes us on a digression within a digression. Perhaps he wants to get in a satirical jab at a contemporary, becoming a critic himself. However, he is quick to get back to his other satirical critique of Homer, writing that Homer invented modern implements like the compass and gunpowder, but chastises him for not discussing the spleen. The narrator will fill in these holes and shed light on the beauty of what he is writing. He proposes that if writers did not tell readers how sublime their work is, then the readers wouldn’t know. The narrator claims to be “the freshest modern” (95). 

The author will use this section to protest against the preface, as well. Prefaces tell the whole story so that the reader does not have to read the book, missing the experience of delving into the volume. On the other hand, prefaces of great length often drive readers away from the book itself or they read nothing else, exhausted after the 40 or 50 pages preceding the actual content. The narrator is the type to skip the preface because of his modern tendency to proclaim the beauty of his own work in the body of the book, which will give it more weight. 

The narrator declares that after having discussed new authors and his own excellence in this digression, he will resume narrating the main subject matter.

Chapter 11 Summary: “Section VI. – A Tale of a Tub”

Before the narration returns to the story of the three brothers, the narrator must expound upon the proclivities of the generous author who “finds his hero on the dunghill, from thence, by gradual steps, raises him to a throne” (98) and does not expect thanks. This, the author suggests, is what he has done for Peter, who lives in a “noble house” (98) with plenty of clothes and money. His brothers, however, are not so lucky.

The two younger brothers are in exile. They do have a copy of the will and vow to change the amendments that were made and adhere to the original letter of their father’s law. Now that they are away from Peter, they begin to develop greater differences in their personalities and appearances, as well as names—one is Martin, the other is Jack. Their coats are also in a state of disarray.

Lord Peter made them continue to add to the coats to keep up with the latest fashions, but while they were doing that, they could not take anything away. The coats are covered in layers of ribbons and lace. In fact, there are really no coats to be seen at all. Martin and Jack decide to deconstruct their coats. They have two different methods. Martin carefully removes what he can. Anything that might damage the coat if torn off, he leaves. Jack is angrier with Peter than Martin is, and he tears the lace and pins off the coat with such fervor that holes develop, which he then must repair. 

Martin urges Jack to be calmer about the deconstruction of his coat. He reasons that the coat is a singular piece and part of their father’s legacy, adding that Peter is still their brother, and they should try to treat each other with the respect for which the will advocates. However, Jack is frustrated that Martin’s coat looks so much better than his. He wants Martin to look slovenly, too, but Martin refuses. Jack goes mad and leaves their house. He goes abroad and becomes a raving lunatic. The little boys in the street call him Jack the Bald, Dutch Jack, or Tom the Beggar. It is under one of those names that he founds a sect of Aeolists, or according to Oxford English Dictionary, “[people] who pretend to speak with divine inspiration,” and that group still follows him.

Chapter 12 Summary: “Section VII. – A Digression in Praise of Digressions”

Learning leans on the modern improvements of digressions. They are like a soup, except “morose, detracting, ill-bred people” (107) pretend that they cannot stand this concoction. They believe that digressions hijack a story. However, without digressions, writers would dwindle. It’s too confining not to be able to go on a tangent once in a while. The ancient Greeks and Romans had a simpler project. They could just invent new ideas and write about them. They did not have to search for things to discuss or go out on a limb to find a new way of looking at a concept. 

However, things have changed. Now books are used just for the learning of titles so that people can brag about being familiar with them. Another way to get around a lot of cumbersome reading is to only read the index. Since becoming wise is such a normal task in modern times, and all the materials for becoming more knowledgeable are at hand, writers should be plentiful, to the point where they get in each other’s ways. There are not enough new things to write about, making things more competitive. In fact, “our modern wits are not to reckon upon the infinity of matter for a constant supply” (111) of new concepts. Our only option is to compile large indices and build quotations by consulting commentators, lexicons, and critics. A writer’s head can be empty, but his book full. He should be given the freedom to digress. This compiling of his thoughts will be preserved at a bookseller’s: “Then when the fullness of time is come [it] shall undergo the trial of purgatory in order to ascend the sky” (112). Thus, the book, a cipher of the thoughts of its author, will undergo the same trials in death, but possibly pass and rise to heaven.

Chapter 13 Summary: “Section VIII. – A Tale of a Tub”

The narrator turns back to the adventures of the three brothers, including Jack, the originator of a sect of Aeolists. The Aeolists say that the cause of the world itself is in wind. Nature nurtured the flame, and only nature can blow it out. Wind is at the core of this anima. This is where the four winds or the four corners of the world come from. These could also be called the four cardinal points or the four directions—north, south, east, and west. A man brings a wind into the world with him, or a quinta essentia. This essence can be used toward developing any skill in life and can be grown through education. This wind should be refined and communicated outward, not bottled up. Therefore—and this is when the narrator reverts to satire—the Aeolists consider the belch “to be the noblest act of a rational creature” (115) because it allows this wind to be released out to the masses. Aeolists priests even link together for a circular belching chant or apply the bellows to their neighbors to enhance the exhalation. This is why they refer to their bodies as vessels. 

Indeed, the narrator explains, learning puffs men up to a greater size, and learning itself is wind. Therefore, most professors “deliver to their pupils all their doctrines and opinions by eructation” (116), which allows them to obtain a certain eloquence and verbal variation. The chapter continues on this humorous digression, suggesting that the best lessons occur when the lecturer belches into the student’s mouth, the more sour the belch, the better. The Aeolist priests also perform a rite that involves farting into a barrel. A priest will then breathe the scent in and belch it out to his pupils. The female priests have the best bodies for breathing the farts back into the room. The farting and belching show us that an idea always has a reverse. What comes out of our bodies can be released and be absorbed again. For example, one half of the world is always in darkness, and the devil is the antipathy to God. The Aeolists also have two deities that they were afraid of. The chameleon, who threatens inspiration, and a monster called the Moulinavent (or windmill) that was constantly at war with the Aeolist divinities. Jack devised the Aeolist system or copied it from the original at Delphos.

Chapters 10-13 Analysis

The narrator uses Chapter 10 to further meditate upon the ancient versus modern dilemma. Here in “A Digression in the Modern Kind,” he points out that modern writers are so fantastic they are making readers forget the ancients. However, he uses Homer as a satirical and hyperbolic example to elucidate why moderns put ancients up to an unfair double standard. To remain contemporary, Homer is supposed to have written the Iliad and The Odyssey, and also have invented gunpowder and the compass, whereas modern writers can get away with writing one treatise and then becoming instantly famous. He goes on to discuss the tricky preface, which, if too long, can drive readers away from a work. Ironically, the narrator has written a lengthy preface, showing that he is not afraid to break the rules, and that irony rules the day. This gets to his wider argument about the ironies of religious observance and practice.

Back in “The Tale of a Tub,” Martin and Jack are on their own. They want to modify the coats so that they are back in their original states. They even pare down the will so that it reflects it original prescriptions. They are literally re-revising the scripture. However, in practice, it proves to be difficult to get all the ribbons off. Martin, representing Protestantism, is more measured in the way he removes the adornments. He has to leave some so that he doesn’t ruin the coat. This is like Protestantism, which has some differences from Catholicism, but some similar teachings, as well. However, Jack tries to take everything off the coat, making holes in the fabric that he then has to patch. This shows the more radical philosophy of Puritanism, which is extreme in its adherence to simplicity. Jack starts to go mad and accumulates followers called Aeolists, which is a term referring to “[people] who pretend to speak with divine inspiration” (Oxford English Dictionary). The fact that they are only pretending to be inspired fits into Swift’s argument that these religions feed off hypocrisy.

Chapter 12 praises the digressions that the narrator has so delightedly been taking the readers on. He again uses this to discuss ancients and moderns. The ancients had it easy because everything was new, he writes. Now we need to create indices and quotations to fill space. Digressions are important tools in this regard. Again, Swift tells us and shows us by practicing this himself.

The narrator uses Chapter 13 to digress from the story of the brothers by describing Jack’s Aeolist sect. They believe in a vapor that is the essence of life and lives within each of us. The only way to get this vapor out is by belching. In fact, the Aeolist priests, who are full of hot air, belch their teachings to their pupils. Some of them even fart in a barrel so that their students can breathe in the sweet smell of their knowledge. Here, Swift uses hyperbole, the bedrock of satire, to show how ridiculous religious practices can be, and how quickly people will go along with them if they think that it can improve their lives or make them better in the next world. Jack supposedly copied these teachings from the original at Delphos. A mythological past makes the practices seem ancient, and therefore, more legitimate and likely to be believed.

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